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"It's your turn" Jungkook mumbled into his pillow rolling to the other side. Jin smiled softly before getting out of bed and walking to the room filled with loud cries.

He opened the door and walked to the crib picking up the small bundle and slowly rocking it in his arms. The cries soon died down and Jin looks down at the baby and couldn't believe he had a bit of both his and his beautiful husbands dna. (Why is that so cringeworthy 😭 sorry )

After being happily married for three years the couple had decided to hire a surgate that would carry their child that thanks to science contained a little bit of each of them. They had been able to make life together.

"You sure do like to cry don't you." Jin said sleepily as the three month old started at him with wide eyes. "I keep telling your dada how much you look like him, don't you think so?" The baby just whined around in his arms "I'm sorry daddy didn't mean to offend you like that, I guess you're almost as handsome as me. But we'll keep that a secret between us." Jin chuckled to himself leaning to place a kiss on the baby's forehead.

"I can't wait for you to grow up and run around the house. I can't wait for you to be old enough so you can remember all of trips. But don't worry that's why I've recorded all of them so far for you. And I can't wait for the day you become an older brother." Jin said as he paced around the nursery talking softly to the baby hoping he can calm down to sleep. "What do you think about that huh? Should we ask dada about another sibling?" Jin smiled at the thought of his family finally growing.

The door open slightly as Jungkook walked into the room taking the baby from Jin's hands. "Why did you wake up beautiful?" Jin whispered walking around to place his arms around his husbands waist placing his head on the shorter shoulders looking down at the baby.

"I thought you were having trouble since you had taken longer than before." Jungkook said and looked down at the baby that had already fallen asleep. Jungkook places the baby on the crib before turning to look at his husband.

"I heard you." He whispers with smile as they walk out of the nursery quietly making their way back to their bedroom.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked yawing sitting on the bed looking at the clock that read two thirty am.

"What you were telling baby Mark." Jungkook said walking over to his husband and placing one hand on his broad shoulder and the other playing with his bed hair.

"I meant everything I said." Jin said smiling up at his husband before slowly placing his hands on the younger ones hips. "You really want more children?" Jungkook asked surprised because the whole process had been more stressful than they had ever thought.

"Of course I do." Jin said pulling the younger down making Jungkook sit down on his lap and wrap his long slim legs around his husband "Good because I want three more."

"Then let's start making them." Jin said reaching for the hem of Jungkooks shirt. Jungkook chuckled softly hitting his chest playfully "You know we can't actually make them."

"I know, but that means we have to miss out on the fun part." Jin said reaching up to grab Jungkooks face and slowly placing their lips together.

Jungkook began unbuttoning Jin's silk pajama shirt while the older pulled the younger ones of his head. Breaking their kiss but soon their lips met again.

They were interrupted by the loud cries from the nursery. Jungkook groaned getting up and putting his shirt again and rushed to the crying baby.


Jungkook woke up and slowly got out of bed looking at the baby monitor before smiling content that baby Mark was still sleeping. He then realized Jin wasn't in bed and walked downstairs.

Jin was cooking breakfast when he heard some one walking into the kitchen. "Good morning beautiful." He said before turning back to flip the protein pancakes. "morning." Jungkook mumbles still incredibly tired from all the sleepless nights.

"Hoseok called." Jin stated as he turned of the stove reaching in the cupboards looking for plates "What did he say?"

"He said that I should warn everyone at JinHit that Yoongi is pissed." Jin chuckled softly before plating the food. Jungkook laughed "Well at least everyone at MinJinHit will be prepared. I wonder what the twins did this time."

"He said that the twins hid his phone."

Jin placed a plate in front of his husband before giving him a small kiss and reaching for the baby monitor. "I still can't believe Johnny and Jaehyun are almost three." Jungkook said before taking a bite of his food.

Jin only nodded and the two ate breakfast before Jin had to leave to work early enough to try and calm down Yoongi from leashing out on his employees.

Jungkook held baby Mark in his arms as he sat down while feeding him a bottle. He thought about the last nine years. The time he dated Taehyung and how he didn't feel anything. He looked down and saw how much their baby looked like Jin. He smiled contently because he was truly in love.

After putting away Mark to sleep he took out his phone and called his husband.

"What's up beautiful?"

"Nothing I just wanted to say that I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'm so happy with the way things turned out. I couldn't of have asked for it any other way. I don't have any regrets. I just love you."

My Son From the Future ※ Jinkook Where stories live. Discover now