Chapter Eleven

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"I'll drive," William says, and I make a grab for the backseat.

"Don't you want to sit up front, Cat?" Alex asks.

"I'm good, thanks!" I slide into the back and buckle up. 

Okay, new plan. Fix Alex up with William. Fan the flames of love they have for one another, and then you'll get Alex out of your head. At least this way, most of us will have our happily ever after. Mission Alexiam... No, that doesn't sound right. Mission Willex? Ugh... that's even worse.

How about brain offers? Well, that's perfect, but I would have to spell it alecat... Wait a minute. What am I saying? — stupid brain.

"You say something, Cat?" William asks as he pulls onto the highway. I catch him looking at me in his rearview mirror, and he winks at me.

"Just curious where we are going for breakfast. Is it far?" It seems morning is when I find myself the most hungry, yet the most sensitive to food and smells. The queasiness, however, is manageable. Well, when I'm not exposed to beer, anyway.

"I want to take us over the bridge. I figure if we get out of the city, there is less chance of running into people we know," William says.

"Good idea," I say, thinking of my run-in with Jenny.

"Yeah, and we know a great pancake house there," Alex adds in.

"So, you've already been to this place together?" I ask.

"Sure, dozens of times," William informs me.

"Yeah, It's a great place to stop after the Aids Walk..." Alex begins.

"Or the Pride Rallies. Remember that time..." William didn't even need to finish the sentence before both of them are nearly in tears.

Liam and I used to be that close. So close that we could easily finish each other sentences or guess what the other was thinking. I hate that I miss him. No wonder I'm trying to force myself on poor Alex. My brain is latching onto him, building him up in my mind, so I don't have to think about the pain or remember just how miserable I feel.

"Well, that's a face." Alex is looking back at me, his eyes still bright from laughing so hard.

"Sorry, I envy you two. You have so much history. Must be hard to find someone who could know you better, huh?"

Alex looks at William and shrugs. "I guess so."

"Sure," William agrees, "you're like my little brother from another mother."

"Ha! Little brother!? Like, by six months." Alex laughs. "But I most definitely got an education from you, that's for sure, big brother."

"Hey, you needed to learn the ropes, and you came to the best. I can't blame you. I mean, how could you possibly think of going anywhere else?"

Alex laughs and gives him a shove.

Oh, my God! So was William Alex's first lover? No wonder they are so close. I wonder why they didn't last.

"And we have arrived," William announces. He pulls up outside of Evie's Pancake House.

It is a bustling place. We have a 10-minute wait and the hostess leads us to a booth in the back. Our server takes our drink orders and is back with them in no time.

"Since when did you drink decaf, Cat?" William asks.

I stir the muddy concoction and shrug. "Since I read caffeine is bad for the baby."

"Are you two having a baby? Well, congratulations! When are you due?" the server asks. I forgot she was still standing there. Obviously, she was waiting to take our order.

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