intruder ~ zach

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wut is this even
Two in the morning and you were still awake, the sound of the friends theme song playing and you limply clapping along were the only sounds in your apartment. You were finding it hard to sleep because of the excitement brewing inside of you, caused by the fact that Zach and the boys' plane would have landed twenty minutes ago and you don't get to see your boyfriend until five pm. You paused the show, hearing something come from the front of the apartment. You could hear the door closing, the sound of footsteps nearing the hall caused fear to settle in the pit of your stomach. The footsteps grew louder and more distinct. You slowly crept out of your bed, looking around your room for something you could use to your defence. You eyes landed on a lamp, you doubted your ability to protect yourself with a lamp but the sound of the footsteps coming closer to you made you grab grab it and clutch it to your chest. You carefully walked towards your bedroom door. Turning the handle slowly, you peeked behind the door in search of someone in your home. A body rounded the corner, fear flooded into you. He turned on the light, you almost let out a scream, until you realized it was Zach. Your arms fell from your chest. "Zach?" He stopped and looked at you, his eyes falling on the lamp you had tightly grasped in your hand. "Babe? Why are you up? And why the hell are holding a lamp?" You cast your eyes to your 'weapon'. "I, um was watching friends when I heard something and got scared." Zach's lips lifted into a silly grin. "You thought I was an intruder and you were going to beat me with a lamp?" He asked, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest. You set the lamp down on the floor and walked up to him. "Yup, and I would have kicked your ass too." Zach pulled you against him and kissed you, his arms wrapping around your body. "Probaly." He grinned after he pulled away. "So, now that we've gotten that out of the way, did you miss me?" He asked, his hands traveling down to rest on your hips. "Yes! Of course I missed you, but what are doing here?" You snaked your arms around his neck, bringing your face closer to his. "Well, it's been almost three months and I couldn't wait till five to see you. Sorry if I woke you up." He siad, closing the space between you again. "It's ok, I couldn't sleep anyways." You told him, kissing the corner of his lips. You grabbed his hand and lead him back to your bedroom. "I think I have some clothes of yours in my dresser." Zach sat down on your bed as you searched through your drawers for something he could sleep in. He admired you, his eyes drinking in every inch of your body. "Aha, here we go." You said triumpalty, holding up a pair of sweatpants. You turned around, catching your boyfriend's eyes on you. "You're staring Herron." You teased when his gaze didn't faltter form you. He stood up, taking the sweatpants from you. "Can you blame me?" He asked before kissing your cheek. You only rolled your eyes at him. He changed into the sweats and you went over to your bed and put away your laptop. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom babe, then we can cuddle." "Mmk." You giggled, watching Zach enter the hall and close the bathroom door. You turned on some music, Billie Eilish's voice filtered through the air, ocean eyes playing gently as you aimlessly scrolled through instagram. Zach came out of the bathroom, he was leaning agaisnt the doorframe just watching you. He watched as you stared at your phone, lips moving with the lyrics of the song. He smiled to himslef as he neared you. You were startled by the weight of your boyfriend on you. "What are you doing?" You mumbled from beneath him. "You looked so cute and warm from where I was standing." He began, pressing multiple kisses to the exposed skin on your neck. "Stop." You giggled. "Zach!" You squealed when he started kissing your face as well. He reached your lips and looked into your eyes. "What? You're just gonna stop now?" You smirked up at him. He shook his head gently. "No." He whispered, pressing his lips to yours firmly. You let your hands wander down to his bare torso. "Mmm" you hummed agaisnt his lips. He pulled away from you, allowing you both to catch your breath. "I really missed you y/n." You lifted your hand, cupping his cheek and running your fingers through his hair. "I missed you too baby." You kissed his collarbone. "I love you Zachary." He leaned forward, smiling brightly and kissed you again. "I love you too babygirl." He whispered as the song ended.
A/n: someone count how many times kissed/kisses was used in this lol

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