Save Me Pt. 2

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I opened my eyes and turned to the side expecting to see Stokeley right beside me, guess I was wrong. I sat up on the king-sized bed and rubbed my eyes, still seeing blurriness.

"Stokeley" I yelled groggily, already knowing what he was doing.

After the third "Stokeley", my suspicions were confirmed as I heard " I'm way better than you though" From a distance.

I rolled my eyes and hopped out of bed and over to the bathroom in his main room. Once I got in, I closed the door, making sure I locked it, and stripped before stepping into the warm shower. I slid the guard closed and let the water wake me up fully.

After actually washing myself and shaving, I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I walked back to our room, leaving water footprints behind me. I entered the room and sped walked to the closet. With my towel still wrapped around me I grabbed some light blue shorts, a NASA shirt and some pink vans. I scooped my arm around the clothes and walked to our bed, sprawling the clothes across it. I lathered myself in oil and pulled my clothes on before going to my dresser and grabbing a scrunchy to put my hair in a bun.

Yes I was pissed that Stokes was ignoring me for a game but I also took this as an opportunity. I was gonna be able to buy my own breakfast without having to list everything he wanted. I grabbed some money and slammed it into my back pocket before grabbing my phone and walking out of the room.

I silently shut the door behind me and crept down the stairs, ready to run if he had caught me.

Luckily he didn't, so I ran down to the garage and took my keys out of a bowl, I hopped in the red Lambo that Stokes had gotten me for Valentine's Day and put the car in ignition before driving out of the garage and to the nearest McDonald's.

As i'm driving down the highway with my windows down and the sun beaming at me, I get a text from Stokes.

"Not even a damn hour" I mumble, before pulling out my phone.

Stokes💙:  Brianna wya?

Me: somewhere why?

Stokes💙: I'm bored bby

Me: what happened to your lil game?

Stokes💙: I lost

Me: aww poor baby. Anyway I'm driving so gotta go. Love ya💙

And with that I put my phone down and brought my attention back to the road. Pretty soon, I was able to pull up to a McDonald's drive-thru.

"What can I get you? " A female voice asked with annoyance behind her voice behind a loudspeaker.

"Ummmm can I get one medium iced caramel macchiato, a fruit and yogurt parfait, a salad, and some oatmeal?" I replied

"Yea yea just come to the booth" She replied, still seemingly annoyed.

I rolled my eyes yet again and drove forward waiting to get my food. I came face to face with the lady who was so AnNoyEd and just kissed my teeth at her. After a little bit of arguing in the kitchen, I finally got my food. A man handed them to me and froze before throwing in some large fries with his number on it.

"Call me" The man said, licking his lips.

"Okay" I giggled as I checked the food, paid, and drove off knowing it was all good.

As I was driving, I got a FaceTime call from Stokeley. I answered it pushing my bag to the side where he can't see it.

"Are you almost home" He whined, quivering his bottom lip.

"ArE yOu aLmOst HomE- yes Stokeley I am, just wait" I said mockingly.

"Well hurry up I'm still bored" He groaned, rocking side to side on what looked like our bed.

"Whatever" I said as I hung up, looking up at myself in my mirror.

I pulled up to the house and opened the car door, parking it in the street. I climbed out the door and grabbed all my food out, slamming it closed. Before I could move to the door, I was greeted by Stokeley leaning on the door frame.

He ran towards me and grabbed my hand, guiding me inside. He sat me down on the couch and grabbed the food out of my hand, setting it on the floor.

"Stokes- oh" Was all I got to say before he wrapped me in a hug.

"Never leave me again bae, I missed you so much" He whined, his face buried in my shoulder.

I patted his back awkwardly, not knowing how to react. He was a big baby so all I did was laugh.

"Okay sweetie" I giggled as I pulled away and opened my bag looking for my macchiato.

As I pulled out the caramel delight, Stokeley rustled in the bag and pulled out everything one by one till he got to my fries.

"Oooooh" He squealed, holding the fries up high.

"Stokeley give me the-"

"Who's number is this?" He asked, his whole demeanor changing as he cut me off.

My body jumped just a bit, but I wasn't worried. He had just caught me off guard.

"Oh so basically the person who gave me the fries said for me to call him. Now those were free fries so I said okay and drove off" I explained.

"Oh" He said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Let's give the boy a little call right? Nah nah, FaceTime that boy".

Before I could say "no", Stokeley reached across me and grabbed my phone, unlocking it with my face, and dialed the guy's number.

After a couple rings we heard "Who are these random ass people calling me- OH SHIT" and a phone drop.

I laughed alongside Stokeley as he was the only one being shown to the guy.

I hear the man gawk over Stokeley and claim he's his biggest fan as I swung behind the couch and popped up, waving at the camera.

"I love your music so- hey you're the sexy girl from McDonalds" He said on the other side.

"Sexy?" Stokeley whipped his head back and forth from the phone to me.

As he looked at me I fell to the floor and started laughing.

"Bro lemme call you back" He said as he hung up and blocked the number.

"Don't be blocking numbers on my phone" I said, snatching the phone out of his hand. "What if I wanted to talk to him later?"

"You wouldn't be allowed to" He grumbled.

"Why? You ain't my daddy" I said, swatting his arm.

He looked at me with an "oh really" look in his eyes and before I could apologize, he scooped me up and threw me behind his shoulder. It didn't mean much to me until he started jogging towards and up the stairs.

"Put me down immediately Stokeley" I exclaimed, clawing at his back.

He knew that whenever he did this, I would get scared that he would drop me and so I would check my behavior whenever he threatened it.

"What about the food?" I whined as he continued jogging.

"Food ain't going nowhere" He said, his arms still wrapped around me.

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