chapter 2

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jackson felt himself getting harder and jinyoung moved his hand down to start palming him
he was about to reach in for a makeout session probably but jackson pushed him away

"is this how you greet all your new assistants?" jackson frowned
"only you" he answered
jackson had enough and stomped out and jinyoung leaned against his desk and chuckled

as jackson was walking through the office he ran into someone and all their papers fell, as soon as he realized he helped the stranger pick up their papers
"i'm so sorry, i wasn't watching where i was going-" he panicked "it's fine i wasn't looking either" the boy smiled then asked "are you new here?" in which jackson responded "yes i'm the boss's assistant" the boy then made a face that gave him "yikes" vibes
"oh well i'm choi youngjae!" the small boy greeted
"nice to meet you, i'm jackson wang" he bowed

him and youngjae started walking around the office
having conversations and such
"so how is it being mr park's assistant?" youngjae asked and jackson sighed "horrible, he tried to assault me!" youngjae gasped "whoa that's serious, should we tell the police?" and jackson shut him down "no it's fine, i'll deal with it"
"well tell me if it gets serious so i can beat him up" he exclaimed "alright alright" jackson chuckled in response

by the time they were already done strolling around the building it was 9 pm
"oh my gosh, look at the time" youngjae sighed "i'll see you tomorrow" he said "goodnight!" jackson waved and the otter like boy disappeared

jackson started walking down the flights of stairs that he went up this morning
"wow what a great first day huh..." he yawned
"well at least i made a friend" he got down to the bottom of the car and was greeted with an expensive car with a man next to it, of course the man was park jinyoung.

"get in" he said as monotoned as ever
"excuse me??" this was the second time jackson had to ask jinyoung that today "i said get in" he answered
"yeah.. i'm good" he declined and kept walking

jackson was walking to the bus stop when he saw that same stupid car
the window rolled down to reveal jinyoung
"get in or i'll cause a scene" he said and jackson looked over

he parked in front of a bus.. full of people
"okay okay fine" jackson finally got in the car and pouted "see? much better than walking or riding a stinky bus" jinyoung laughed and jackson rolled his eyes

they finally pulled up to jackson's apartment and jackson unbuckled his seatbelt "thanks" and opened the door but jinyoung tried to pull him in for a kiss for the second time. jackson cringed and pushed his face away

"acting desperate won't get you anywhere mr park"

authors note: idk why i have these here but they make the page longer so 🥴ayo

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