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"Hey! I made you crepe cakes"

"I'm sorry I can't have it right now, I have appointment with my doctor"

"Oh okay"


"Tae! I made mochi once again, would you like to try?"

"Sure but not right now, I have to go and meet a friend. She's leaving today"

"Uhh....yeah sure"


"Tae.....i made donuts for both of us"

"Sorry kookie, I can't have it right now, I have to go to early shift today"



"I wouldn't even ask, I know you're going somewhere. Have fun"

Jungkook sighed as he walked away from the other's house.

"When was the last time he even talked properly to me?" The Raven haired asked himself

It's been one week since taehyung has been cutting his time with him and to be honest, jungkook feels like he's getting empty from inside slowly

Obviously he didn't like when taehyung just slammed the door on his face even if jungkook just wanted to talk to him

Taehyung too hated to do this, ignoring jungkook hurts him but what hurts him more is that jungkook only wants to talk to his "friend" not someone he "loves"

He wants to push jungkook away from his life and mind but he loves him too much to do that. He unconditionally loves jungkook

He wants to forgive him and there's only one way to do so.


Jungkook thought that there is still some hope left that taehyung would want to see him, so he decided to go once again at taehyung's house.

He reached there to see the door was locked. Obviously.

He sighed as he ruffled his hair. It's evening and he doesn't know where taehyung would be, these days he's been leaving for his job without telling him, before this they used to share everything with each other

Something's changed taehyung

Is he dating?

He doesn't find him interesting anymore?

He feels lonely again?

So many thoughts were going inside jungkook's mind

It's night, time for his night shift. He's halfheartedly getting ready for it, obviously expecting eun-bi to go with her friends for a kitty party or some shitty club

He truly feels what taehyung felt when he said that he feels lonely

Well, even if eun-bi wouldn't have been there, jungkook would have been totally fine but as taehyung entered his life, he brought colors in his life and now he's suddenly leaving him too. The fact makes him sniffle back his upcoming tears

He's about to leave when he gets a call


You don't even know how happy he felt because he actually jumped out of his place, a smile coming over his face and eyes widening in amusement

Oh how much he missed to see this name on his phone

Oh how much he missed taehyung

He wasted no time to pick the phone up, the smile never leaving his lips. He's so thankful to god that taehyung actually called him

"T-tae!" he exclaimed and he heard the other giggle. He really felt that he was in heaven. Hearing taehyung's laugh is like the music he would keep on repeat for forever

"H-hey *hiccup* hey kook-kookie" jungkook found the other drunkenly giggling at him

And that's when all his excitement, his smile and heart dropped.

Oh, so he's drunk

"Tae, what are you doing at the bar?" jungkook chided although he was upset and sad from inside

"D-drinking" taehyung giggled 

"Stop drinking tae. I know you don't like to drink" jungkook rubbed his forehead

"You know this? Then why don't you know what i feel?" jungkook could feel the other sob and that's where he panicked

"Tae, where are you? In which bar?" he asked, forgetting that he has a job to go to

" T-the *hiccup* S-seoul bar" he sobbed

"I'm coming there. Wait for me!"

Neighbor? Neighbor| Taekook| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now