chapter 4

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When did Jimmy ever get so attractive? I thought i liked Chandler more then him..  (okay that was werid.) "what are you thinking about?" Jimmy asked. I looked at him. "oh nothing" I replied. Jimmy smiled at me. "So I was wondering if you'd go on a date with me?" Jimmy asked. Do I like Jimmy? "I'll see" I replied. Jimmy nodded and left. "I'm so stupid, Why would I think she would say yes?" I heard him say.  I sighed and walked out. Jimmy was talking to Chadler. "we'll have to see who she'll will choose. SHE WON'T LIKE YOU JIMMY, NOBODY WILL!" Chandler screeched in his face. I had enough of Chandler. "STOP IT CHANDLER THIS INSTANCE!" I screamed. He looked at me. "H-hi y/n" he said letting go of Jimmy. I grunted and grabbed Jimmy by the hand. "come on Jimmy your coming with me

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