Chapter 14

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*Caitlins POV*

Amy has been ignoring me, Ashley, nd the boys lately I wonder whats up.I went up stairs and into her room.She was texting someone."Hi"I said."What do you want"She said."Umm you have been ignoring me, Ashley, nd the boys lately whats up"I said."Oh um nothin didnt hear you guys talkin bout me yesturday so yeah EVERYTHING is fine"She said.I ran downstairs nd called all the boys and ashley downstairs into the living room."What happened"Zayn said."Amy heard us talking bout her yesturday nd thats why shes been ignoring us and know I feel bad"I said.

*Amys POV*

I continued talking to Caspar till he said meet me up at starbucks.I took a quick shower put my undergarments on.I wore black skinny jeans and with a sleeveless shirt that says " I know what you said behind my back so dont talk to me mother fuckers" .I grabbed a $50 bill put it in my butt pocket with my phome and hopped downstairs.I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and went out the door.I staryed walking to starbucks till someone drugged me and put me in there car.


I woke up in a unfamiliar room till everything came flooding back.I quickly went to the window and opened it up.Ha loser needs to be smart before kidnapping me.I looked at the street nd it was like a block away from starbucks.I started running nd stopped at the stop sign to catch my breath."HEY COME BACK HERE U SLUT I WANT YOU ND ONLY YOU YOUR MINE"The 2o year old man said.I staryed running to starbucks nd ran inside with all my power nd saw Caspar.I ran to him and hugged him tightly.''Babe what happened''Caspar said.So when I left the house I was walking here but this guy drugged me and bought me to his ouse so I woke up nd there was an window so I pried it opened and went out I looked at the street name nd the house was a block away from here so I started running nd stopped at the stop sign to catch my breath nd the guy started runing after me nd he looked around his late 20s so I started running away and here I am''I said and Caspar looked mad.''Why didnt you text me''Caspar said,''Oh and this is my roommate Joe''He said.''Hi Joe nice to meet you''I said,''Nice to meet you to''He said.I looked around the place nd saw him sitting by a window looking at me.''Caspar thats him by the window with orange hair and wearing all black''I whispered.''Okay c'mon lets go then''Caspar said saying it to me nd Joe.We walked out the shop nd started walking and talking.I discovered that Joe and Caspar are youtubers and I was going to watch there videos.We talked some more till we had to leave.We went our own seprate ways nd I literally was running hme.I was at the door and when I looked back my kidnapper was there with the most cockiest smirk ever.I finally got the door opened ran inside shut the door locked and locked every door nd window inthis house and they were al asking me uestions that I kept ignoring.I peeked out the front door by the peek whole nd saw him onthe porch sitting down.Daaaaaamnnn hes really thirsty for me well screw him im calling the cops. (C for cops nd A for amy)                                                                C:Hello this is 911 whats ur emergency.                                                                                                    A:So this morning I was going to meet my boyfriend at starbucks but I was only have way down the block nd this guy drugged me nd bought me to his house but I woke up nd went out the window and started running to starbucks but the guy was ight behind me but starbucks was a block away and I made it to my boyfriend so we were walking out nd the guy has been following us since I escaped nd then I ran home nd When I was on the porch tryinig to pr the door open nd I looked behind me nd I saw him a few feet behind me so I ran inside the house nd locked the door and windows but when I peeked out threw the peek whole nd he was sitting right infront of the door plz help me''I sadi.               C:Okay sweet heat i trcked down were you are the police are at ur way nd whats ur name.                    A:Im Amy.                                                                                                                                                  Then she hung up on me well that was rude.I was keep on watching him till I saw the red and blue flashes.They came running to my house but the guy started running awa.I opened the door wide open nd saw the whole thing.They caught the guy nd one of the officeers came up to me.''Okay so the guy who was chasing you was the FBIS most wanted he always kidnapped girls and womens raped them then killed them your lucky to escape'''Officer said.''Oh okay and he did nothing to me I had my phone but didnt call anyone cuz then he would have come to me and doing what kidnappers do and make sure hes in Jail for a VERY VERY long time bye officer''I said.''Good day ma'am''He said before left.I closed the door locked it nd when I looked behind me I saw the boys,5sos boys,Ashley,nd Caitlin behind me all with there eyes wide and with a shocked expressions.''Amy are you okay?Did he do anything to you?Hurt you?''Niall asked.''Why do you guys care except the 5SOS boys huh?Arent im the annoying girl who you guys dont want?I dont wanna hear all of your voices but the 5SOS boys so go have fun without me go ndgive me away go and talk more shit behind my back so bye mother fuckers im up stairs and Caitlin our friendship is over go find somebody else whos better than me''I said with tears streaming down my face as I sprinted up to my room.I locked my door shut and cried into my pillow.My tears were all dry and I as watching Harry potter on tv.I decided to change the channel to Music Choice nd Showers came on by Becky G.I turned the volume up nd sang along while dancing.I got really tired nd it was 4 am inthe morning.I turned the tv off changed into my ownses and climbed in bed.I snuggled close to my blanket and fell asleep.                                             ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~~*~*

A/N:Hey guys hope you like this chapter luv you guys ur the best thanxs for the 89 reads I really appreciate that.Dont forget to vote,Share,nd Comment till next time luv ya guys peace.                                                                                                                                                               ---KINZA.

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