With Her (a GruBy oneshot)

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Requested by: RHrr32

Granger's POV
One day, in the Land of Dawn, I was with my idol, Alucard. We we're thinking where should go next at this moment... So we grabbed a map in our pockets and wondered where we are

Alucard then opens the map that shows where they at...


"Don't worry" Granger said. Alucard gets his sword while Granger gets his Violin and his empowered gun...

As we explored, we looked around and saw a lot of dead demon hunters

After they looked at the dead demon hunters, Granger spotted an enemy, an axe-wielding monster

"Enemy spotted" I said to Alucard. Then we bravely battled him...

Alucard then uses lifesteal while Granger fires his gun at the enemy. But he was powerful...

Then Granger transforms his violin into a super gun and fired at the enemy.
Then at last, they defeated the enemy.

"Phew, at last he was defeated" Alucard sighed. We then got lost.

So Granger grabbed a map to locate where they at. Then Granger stares at the map...

They are at the Abyssal territory, ruled by an evil dual-sword wielding demon

They then starts to run back to the Moniyan territory. Somewhere near the Moniyan Base, suddenly I saw a beautiful girl with an eyepatch and a red hood, wielding a scythe. I blushed so hard my cheeks were red.

"Oh, she is so beautiful" I said to myself.  Then I came to her and I said to her "Hi"
Then suddenly, she stares at me with a beautiful smile while she is also blushing.
"Hello" She greeted me back.

Then I suddenly.
Fell in love with her

So we decided to go to a nearby restaurant...
*As soon as we took a seat*
Waiter: May I take your order please?
Granger: Ruby, what do you want?
Ruby: I want Karaage with some sauce, and cola
Granger: Karaage with some sauce, some kobe beef and some cola, and ramen
Waiter: thanks

Ruby: So, how are you Granger?
Granger: I'm fine. I strolled with Alucard earlier at the park.
Ruby: Huh? *Suddenly Ruby fell in love with Granger*
Ruby: So, who are the others?
Granger: My brother, Claude.
Ruby: oh I see

Then suddenly *Granger and Ruby fell in love with each other

Then their food finally arrived
Ruby: oh I love it... It is delicious
Granger: Wooooow
Ruby: alright let's dig in *Tabemono o arigato*
Granger: Dou itashimashite
Then Ruby and Granger enjoys their meal

After they finished their meal, Ruby and Granger goes to a nearby park

As soon as they took a seat at a bench
Granger: In a short time we met, I wasn't expecting this
Ruby: *blushing* huh?
Granger: I already loved you

Ruby: Also in this short time we met... I also didn't expect this to happen...

I love you too

Granger: I *kisses Ruby's forehead*
Love *kisses Ruby's nose*
You *kisses Ruby's cheeks"

Ruby: *Laughs*
I *kisses Granger's forehead
Love *kisses Granger's nose*
You... *kisses Granger's cheeks"


Ruby and Granger kisses

Granger: From this day onwards, I will stay by your side.

Ruby: Really?

Granger: Yes. Promise.

The end
Thank you guys so much
for reading the oneshot
of Granger x Ruby

I made it because I love it

And... See you in the next story

Tabemono o arigato: Thank you for the food, spoken in Japanese Language
Karaage: Japanese style fried chicken
Kobe beef: Japanese style beef

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