The Change

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Ok this is my first story on watt-pad!!! I hope you all like it! If u see any mistakes or have any comments I would love to hear them


"Why!" I shouted at the man. "Why are you doing this? What are you?"

"It doesn't matter why," He snarled, "as for what I am you'll find out soon enough!"

I knew deep down that the man, if you could really call him one, that was towering over me wasn't human. he wasn't even something I've ever encountered in all of my years of training. He was something else.

At first glance he's godlike with his 6'4 lean, muscular build, hair as black as crow feathers that brushed just below his ears, but in his green cat like eyes all you could see is a cold, hard monster.

"Get up!Now!" He snapped, from the anger on his face and the tips of his ears turning slightly red. I didn't think that was the first time that he had said it.

"Why the hell would I listen to you?" I spat back knowing I would pay for my words even as I said them.

I couldn't breathe as one of his hands clasped around my throat. My nails scratching at his fore-arms in useless hope.

"You'll do as I say if you want your two friends to continue breathing!" He barked out as his lips pulled back in a cruel smile.

I couldn't breathe again, but this time it was the thought of my friends. I had completely forgotten about them in my pain filled haze of seeing my family slaughtered. The las time I saw them they were tied up beside me kneeling in the sand. They were covered in blood, if it was theirs or not I wasn't sure and barely conscious.

"What have you done with them?" I asked in a panicked choked whisper. his hand was starting to clamp harder around my throat at each word I said.

"Nothing as of yet.I mostly wanted just you, but I couldn't pass up the thought of having two new slaves as well." He said with a smile. He loosened his hand slightly, but I could still barely feel the cold floor on my toes.

"Slaves?" I whispered to muskeg though I knew he heard and on some scale I was hoping he would explain. That one word held so many possibilities. it sent a tremble down my spine and as he felt it he lifted me a couple more inches off the ground. I didn't notice till now how many questions I wanted answers to, no not want needed I needed to know the answers. my body started to shake with fear and anger. I know he felt it, because I could hear his cold laugh in the distance of my hazy mind.

"Who are you?" Hell give me something!" I yelled a soon as I came back to reality, but it still sounded choked and fearful.

All of a sudden I could breathe again as he dropped me to he floor I heard a deep growl that echoed around the room. At the same time there was a pain in my already cracked ribs, now broken for sure. He had kicked me and not at all gently.

"You will call me master and nothing else! And the punishments will get much worse if you keep talking back!" He panted still enraged at my words.

The more he talked the more outraged I became. Who was he? What was he? Who was he to think I would grovel and call him master? Hell no!

So doing the worst possible the. I laughed. The laugh was a crazed, scratchy laugh that tore it's way up my throat.

I heard the crack more then felt it as my head whipped back slamming into the wall from the force of the slap. All I could hear was a high ringing in my ears and his panting breathe. And yet I still couldn't find it n me to stop the next laugh that escaped my mouth. Even as I started to taste the blood that filled my mouth.

There wad a sharp pain in my calf as the heel of his boot dug deep into my skin He still hasn't said anything, yet but he didn't need to. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to scream , to beg for Jim to stop. He was going to have to try a hell of a lot harder for that. I've already scrammed to much tonight and I was done. He wasn't going to get the satisfaction of my screams.

The blood had filled mu mouth completely now, running out of the corners. So I did the only thing I could. I spat it out on his shiny, polished black boots. Smirking in satisfaction as I heard the snarl leave his mouth.

The feeling didn't last as long as planned. As I felt one of his hands wrap into my my long black hair while the other went around my tender throat. He dragged me up the wall once again. I could hear my hair screaming to stay attached to my head. My bare feet kicking against nothing but cold air.

As soon as I could get passes the burning in my raw throat I started to choke out a string of profanities. I could feel his body shaking in anger a he closed his eyes trying to fight the urge to kill me. I ran out of steam five minutes later. My body starting to slip into a black void to escape the pain. That was in every centimeter, no millimeter of my aching body.

After about five more minutes of my feeble struggle tonight off the void my mind wanted to slip into his eyes slowly opened. Gone was the dark piecing green. They were now black, the green no longer visible.

I grip on mu throat got tighter, as the hand that was in my hair moved to cup my cheek. He started to stroke the skin just below the cut near my eye. His thumb smearing the blood there. In an instant his eyes flashed like they were glowing, but dimmed before I could see for sure.

His head drew nearer to my collar bone. I could feel his nose and mouth skimming the skin there. As his head traveled up towards mine a shot of pain

went through me. I could take the beatings but I dint think I could keep a brave face if he got closer.

I could feel his mouth form a smile as he sensed my fear. His mouth was on my neck now. I could feel his breathe hit me as he smelt me. That's when it clicked I figured out what he was.


No I promise she doesn't fall in love with him!!!

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