Chapter 4

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Gold ^
Schools finally out (yaaaaay) so I should be updating more regularly now :D
Also, I'm going to change my writing style a little bit just to experiment a little to see what I'm comfortable with aaaand what is easier for me.

~Hutt's POV~

Three days. I get to sleep in a tent with Seb for three days. I felt a warm smile grow on my face at the thought. I turn to look at him as he pulls a few thing out of his bag and places them next to where he is sleeping.

I had already taken out the things I would need and left the rest in my bag next to the bed-like thing I had made on the floor of the tent.

It was only noon and we had just got there so no doubt the others would want to explore, especially Sealand.

"Alright, I'm finished!~" I slightly jumped as Seb suddenly spoke.

"A-ah, we should see if the other are finished. They probably are seeing how long it took you." I said with a small smirk as I stood and made my way to the door, Seborga following right behind.

"Hey! I didnt take that long."

I stepped out into the clearing and held the flap of the tent 'door' open for Seb. "You did! I even finished before you."

He puts on a pouting expression as he steps out of the tent.

I stared for a bit to long and a slight blush littered over my cheeks when I noticed. I quickly looked to one of the other tents.

Molossia was finished and was pacing around the clearing, holding his phone up the and mumbling something angrily.
He probably can't get a good internet connection.

Wy had just stepped out of the tent.

Sealand was sitting on the ground outside his tent, softly humming.

Kugel Mugel was admiring the mountains that you could see in the distance through the trees.

~Seb's POV~ (sorry for the random change, I didnt finish this in all one go so I ended up randomly switching POV's)

"Uugh! Theres no interneeet!" Molossia complained as he walked back over to the others.

Wy rolls her eyes. "Good, that means you won't be stuck to you're phone the entire time."

Molossia shoots a glare at Wy. "Whatever."

Sealand giggles innocently. "We can still have fun without our phones, cant we?"

I nod happily. "Of course we can!"

"We could go swimming, I saw a lake not to far from here." Hutt suggested.

That sounded great! Not only was it hot out and would it cool us all off but I also get to see Hutt in a swimsuit~

"That's a good idea! Nice thinking, Hutt~" I grinned at him and he smiled back.
Hes so damn cute...

I flinch as Sealand speaks up. "That sounds fun! We'll all get dressed and then head down there together..?"

Hutt nods. "Sounds good to me."

Wy nods as well and walks back to the tent she was staying in.

Molossia rolls his eyes. "Fine, I guess it's better then nothing." He waits outside the tent for Wy to finish changing.

Kugel had already walked into the tent, Sealand following after.

Hutt and I walked into our tent. I rummaged through the clothes still in my bag and finally pulled put my red and black, criss-cross, swim trunks. I glanced over at Hutt and saw him pull out a plain blue pair with the brand logo on the front pocket.

He didn't seem to notice my gaze as he took off his shirt and tossed it to the side. I did a small run over of his torso, he was slim but had some muscle, and it showed. He had a few feminine curves near his hips and waist. His arms were decently built and would be a fun challenge to top in bed. ((͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Next he moved his hands down and undid his jeans. Damn he looked good in skinny jeans. He slipped them off and threw them to the side with his shirt. He turned to face me and my eyes snapped up to his face.

"Are you going to change..?" He had a faint blush but his lips were curved into a smirk.

I blushed and nodded. I quickly took off my shirt, suddenly feeling a little more self-conscious. I knew most of the other countries think me and my two older brothers looked... 'Nice' (aka sexy) but that didn't mean anything when the man you liked... No, at this point it was love. The man you loved was standing right there when you're changing! I could feel his gaze burn into my skin as I reached down to take my pants off.

~Hutt's POV~ (No, I didn't mess up this time)

I had been able to tell he had been watching me as I changed so I decided to put a little... show on for him. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he took his shirt off. He was surprisingly a little more built then me. He took his pants off and damn he's got a nice ass. He glanced at me and I could see the nervous look in his eyes. I quickly looked away, a small smile on my face as I reached to take my boxers off. I heard a small sound as he turned around. A blush had spread across my face as I took them off and replaced them with my swim trunks.

I glanced over my shoulder and blushed madly when I saw Seb completely naked and bending over to pick up his swim trunks. Even if I didn't get the full view because his back was turned to me I still enjoyed the angle I had. As I said before, hes got a nice ass.

He put on his swim suit and I looked away before he caught me. "Um.. I'm finished." Seb muttered out with a small blush. I turned around, my blush most of the way gone.

"Alright, we should check to see if the others are as well, no?" I said, motioning to the door.

Seb nodded and walked over to it, reaching down to unzip the tent door.
We stepped out and saw that the others had already finished and waiting.

"Sorry for making you wait!~ We can get going now." I said, giving the others a small wave.

Molossia looked at me. "What took you so long?" He said with a... suggestive smirk. He and Australia were the only people I had talked to about my crush on Seborga. He had only found out because he walked in on me complaining to Aus about why Seborga was so damn hot.

I blushed and shook my head. "It took us a few minutes to find our swim trunks."

He raised an eyebrow. "Whatever you say, anyways are we going to go now or what?"

Sealand nodded. "Yep! Now that we're all ready we can go!" He said as he began walking with Kugel and Wy to a trail that leads in the direction of the lake. Molossia followed a few feet behind them.

I glanced at Seb who still had a small blush. We followed the others down to the lake.

Four chapters now owo
Its 1 am and here I am, sitting in bed, making a story while I eat some ramen.
This chapter was fun to make just cause I'm a weird ass person who likes to make stories about anime guys checking out other anime guys.
Anywayyyys this chapter had over 1000 words so yayyyy celebrate!
I'll try to update tomorrow but it might be delayed cause either I'll forget or I wont have an idea, as I said I normally only update when I have an idea/inspiration to.

Thanks for reading and dont forget to vote and comment -w-

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