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                              (norion fit)

(Location : seoul)      (Season : Winter)            (Norion pov )

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(Location : seoul)
      (Season : Winter)
(Norion pov )

*Car pulls to a stop*

"That'll be a buck $20 kid",the Taxi driver said to me.

Thanks for the ride and drive safe I Told him while handing him the $20 and steppin out the car.

As I started making my way to the bar a few stores down the wind blew making me shiver and stuffing my hands in my jacket pockets.

2 mins later*

after finally reaching the entrance  I gripped the ice cold knob of the door to pull it open and step thru the door way to a open sit and settle down while layin my head down on the table thinking about everything that has unfolded today, well i was until my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. i pull it out to see a incoming FaceTime from the one who as taken over my thoughts all day.

I sigh declining and shutting my phone off while placing it back in my pocket, now in discomfort of my incoming thoughts brought by the "attempted" call of hers. I pull out my lighter and a pre rolled joint I had concealed in my pocket early that evening,and spark it instantly adoring the warmth that spread around me and took puff after puff while exhaling until it was just a shell of its former self.

Few mins later*

A guy lookin around my age dressed in a snow white jacket wit a black heart inked under his right eye came up and sat across from me.

The guy said "hey"I reply back wit hi? Do i know u?"No but u just looked so out of it I wanted to check on u tbh" he replied. "oh well thanks"I replied not really caring for his reasoning as I was to faded to care. but he found away to string me along this unknowingly growing conversation and as it continued I found myself bareing it all, all the problems, all the emotions, all the hurt... all that was on my mind to him...but why did i?

3o Mins later*

Even tho We were so deep in the conversation i fell out of it once my whole train of thought was disrupted when he asked a simple question one that I should of had a simple answer to "do u still love her?" Thats all it took for me to be sent to that place in my head again.

Gazing off into my thoughts,my feelings,my memories I was lost in them,lost in this ocean of unknowing so afraid to drown that I wouldn't be saved. until the mystery man snapped me out that stare by gettin up and placing his hands on the table and leanin closer to me popping that bubble of space I had around me examining me idly I felt his gaze fall on the side of my neck where my tattoo was

We stayed in that position for what seemed like a hour until he released this playful smirk  and reached into his pocket to reveal a hand gun. And with one swift movement the gun was pointed right between my eyes and he and I were stuck inna seemingly dance of souls with our eyes started by the uncertainty of my fate.

"Norion u gotta trust me here do u trust me"he said in a way of playfully pleading laced with a undertone of seriousness." why would I " I replied wit a goofy small smile caused from my own smartass remark. he laughed at that while saying "ur one of a kind kid" he pulled the trigger. the sound of the gun goes off making my ears ring, the sudden stinging sensation in my head,the black fading around me, and the sound of her voice hittin me all at once brought me to a slumber.

I awake to the sound of a tapping of fingers on a wooden surface. i lift my head from the leaned back position, I was in and fixed myself looking around till my eyes fell on the guy in the white intently lookin at me as if he was waiting for something else to happen... silence takes over for a lil to long, he soon stops taping and hums while snapping his fingers as he passes me a White cup of pink a liquid with a pink aroma arising from it "here drink this".

I down the drink at once like a shot as soon as my lips leave the edge of the cup. Im consumed wit thsi burning sensation on my neck right where my tattoo was. my vision starts to become clouded by memories of me and her and the sounds of our voices overtake my senses,our screaming, our arguing ,our moans of pleasure, our loving words our everythings, were thrown at me all at once. until everything stops, my eyes are focused on one image now it's not a memory it's her breaking down in tears in her room saying my name to herself how sorry she was, how she needed me there, how she wanted me there,how I should be there and if it wasn't for herself fucking it up I would be and even tho to see her like that tore me up she wasn't wrong.

And i Honestly didnt know why everything happened like it did, but the shock from it all had me blinking relentlessly,my brain was tryna register all thsi information so fast which caused me to go haywire for a lil motivating me to rest my eyes for a bit till I came to the conclusion.

"I need her to...but I can't go back"I stated more to myself.

My eyes open and my posture tenses as the guy speaks while laughing with honest surprise and enjoyment plastered on his face"ur a real stubborn one,aries are no joke fr,makes my job a lil challenging.I have a feelin u gonna make it even more challenging in the future but tbh I can't wait I'm here for u after all".

Next thing I know Im getting pulled up outta my seat and guided out the door into the cold night, until we reached her place he knocked on the door.
she opens up about a min or so later,wit puffy red eyes and a shocked written face only for a few moments till  he pushes me into her as she grabs me into a bone crushing hug while stating over and over how sorry and stupid she is.I didnt say a word i just placed my chin on top of her head, closed my eyes and pulled her even closer to me and let a content sigh slip from my lips.

              (3rd person pov)
The man starts walking down the hall with a smile on his face and pulls out his phone. texting Norion a message "see you around ps youur welcome" and returns the phone to his pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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