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As Jeongguk led Namjoon through the forest, Namjoon couldn't help but feel shivers run down his body from of the icy air and the fear of the darkness surrounding them. Above was only the pale moon but that hardly illuminated anything so the two men were basically relying on Jeongguks phone flashlight to lead the way.

Even though Jeongguk knew where he was going, Namjoon didn't so he had to watch his step carefully so he wouldn't trip over a fallen tree branch or run into some spider web, because if he legitimately somehow gets a spider on him - he'll waste no time in sprinting to the nearest hospital as he would have passed out and died from fright.

"can you tell me where we're going now?" Namjoon moaned as he dragged his body through the tight trees in tired agony. Jeongguk looked over his shoulder for a split second to smirk at Namjoon's exhausted figure, "you'll see."

"well bitch it's pitch dark so i'm not sure if i'll be able to actually see anythin-" just as Namjoon was in the midst of completing his complaint, a strong branch from a tree whacked him straight in the face without warning. Namjoon let out a loud 'ack' and instantly held his face in pain.

Jeongguk tried his best to hold in his laugh, especially because the branch had left a large mud stain on the males face in the shape of a small dick. "you good fam?"

Namjoon opened one of his bloodshot eyes that seemed to contain a few teardrops, "do i fucking look like i'm okay? a fucking tree just suckapunched me in my goddamn precious face!"

The younger male chuckled and grabbed Namjoon's soft hands, pulling them away from his face so he could better observe where the man was struck the hardest. Under the sheer moonlight, Namjoon was able to see Jeongguk's peaceful face more clearly considering there was only an inch separating them, and he couldn't help but feel his face turn hot from how truly handsome this man was.

His pale and flawless skin seemed so gently, just like his innocent eyes and sincere rosy lips. Goddamn, where did they make this boy, in fucking god land?

"well it seems like your nose isn't broken, you might just get a bit of bruising. now come on, we're almost at our destination."

Namjoon nodded and continued to follow Jeongguk silently, this time trying his best not to complain as the younger man's sexy face was still plastered within his brain and he couldn't help but push it away. Besides, a perk of following from behind is the perfect view of Jeongguk's plump booty.

Holy fuck he was turning in Jeongguk.

By now it must be one thirty am and Namjoon wonders if any of his friends even noticed he was gone. Like, he did make a loud noise when he jumped out the window and when he was half yelling and whispering to Jeongguk, although he sadly doubts they did, and if they did then they probably didn't care enough to do anything about it.

But at least he had Jeongguk next to him if a bear attacked them and he needed a shield.

"okay we're here!" Jeongguk excitingly declared. Namjoon walked from behind the male and to the side in order to get a glimpse of what was making him so happy, and he couldn't help but keep a deadpanned look.

"you brought me here in the middle of the night to look at a cave shaped like a freaking vagina?"

Jeongguk quickly shook his head, "no bitch look over here."

Namjoon shifted his eyes towards the direction Jeongguk was walking and noticed a raggedy looking jeep slightly sticking out from behind the side of the mountain. Jeongguk slightly moved towards his prized possession and laid against it, trying his best to look as sexy as possible.

However, instead of a flustered reaction, Namjoon just stood staring at the young man place his weight on a truck that already seemed like it was withering away. As sexily as Jeongguk could, he took out his keys from his pocket and swung it around his finger as he continued to make eye contact with unimpressed Namjoon.

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