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we waited for about 30 minutes but no one came so we just decided to take simba out and walk around. " we should see what's behind these curtains" zion winked at me and slowly began to pull them to the side. " it's probably storage" i say as he turns the lights on and both of our jaws dropped. "this is sick! We gotta call them all in here" he says and he makes his way into the room. inside there was multiple shelves of movies and many cushions, pillows and blankets. I quickly texted the group chat telling them to get here. slowly, they all finally were here. "alright tori and I will get snacks and you all can decide on a movie." zion says pulling me towards the door. we made our way to the kitchen and found drinks and snacks already layed out. we grabbed as much as we could hold and quickly walked back to the room. "tori walk faster I'm about to drop all of this!" zion says speed walking as he's facing me, trailing slowly behind him. "Z watch ou-" before I could finish my sentence he backs into a claw machine. I couldn't help but laugh but tried to stop so I could see if he was ok. "wow ma I see how it is. laughing at me" he says giggling while trying to grab everything he dropped. "HEY THAT BETTER NOT BE MY FOOD YOU DROPPED" we heart a quite loud yell from the theater. "nick" we both said at the same time causing us to laugh.

after everything happened and we got back into the room, everyone grabbed snack and a drink and sat down. "what are we watching?" I asked as I cuddle next to Zion and grab a blanket. "Coraline, your fav" desma says. "That's your- ok" zion says shaking his head. I shove his shoulder slightly and laugh.

the movie is almost done and Zion and I are the only ones awake. we decide to go out to the arcade and play some games. "ok zion I'm about to win you some stuffed animals. your bed ready for all that?" i say grabbing his hand and walking to the claw machine. he slightly laughs and replies, "what if you replace the stuffed animals and sleep in my bed? I think I like that better" I roll my eyes and squeeze his hand. " I mean I'd like that to. It's weird but, I feel like I've known you forever and almost like we're already together." he kisses the top of my head as we stop in front of the claw machine. I put 2 chips in and focus on getting a blue bear. Zion grabs my waist and pulls me closer. "Stoppp you're distracting me" i say trying to release myself from his grip which only makes him hold me tighter. I finally got the bear and it drops into the corner. I turn to Zion and smile. I bend down to grab the bear and I turn back to him. "You could've stayed like that" he winks at me and grabs my hand. I push him and pull him to the entrance of the arcade. "hey Zion?"
"Yeah what's up?"
"we're you uhm, lying that the door locked?"
his face grew red and I could tell he was about to lie. "uh no I wasn't lying why would you think that?" I slightly push the door and it opened.

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