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  You were asleep. Next to Gumball Cookie. Oh god. It finally happened. You felt yourself getting hotter. You shuffled out of the bed. Eep, you thought. Then you smiled, eep was the thing that brought you two close. Eep.

  Gumball Cookie stirred and you sighed. Why was this so complicated? You knew Orange Cookie would burst in sometime soon. You took a shower and dressed. "Y/N," Gumball Cookie had awoken, "where are you?" 

  "In the bathroom!" You shouted back, hoping he didn't come in while you dressed. Heck, you hardly had a figure, you were just a Cookie. Nonetheless, you were hoping he didn't. He did.

  "Woah, there. Couldn't you have warned me?" 

  "Why do you think I'm in here?" 

  "Good point, but whatever." 

  You stood there, hoping he wouldn't come any closer. It was too early for this. "Some self-control, pretty please?" You asked. "Fine," he sighed, disappointed. Hmph, you thought, it's so early and he's already thinking about that, well I won't have it! 

  "Eep," he smiled. "I think it's time we give that word a lot more credit!" 

  "Yeah," you trailed off. Was this really how a 3 AM was going to go? You couldn't help but feel annoyed, love took time, yet he was trying to rush it! But this wasn't  a romantic love story. It was life. "Eep," you muttered.

  You guys started flirting for a while, you had no idea what to say next. Time passed, it was now 10 AM, an acceptable time to start morning for you. You left the room, and Gumball Cookie followed. "Whaddya want?" You asked tartly. "Oh! Um, sorry." He apologized. "Sorry myself. I'm just a little tired of waiting."

  "For what?" He asked. You shrugged. Something. But you didn't say it. Too rude. You didn't mean to be rude, but you were, and Gumball Cookie looked pretty hurt. "If you want me to leave, then," he tried to apologize for your mistake again.

  "Eep," you muttered again, "what a great start to the day." Gumball Cookie stared at you, "excuse me?" 

  "Nothing!" You chirped cheerfully. Orange Cookie rounded the corner, "Gumball! Snookums! I was just hoping to run into you!" Gumball Cookie winced, "Orange Cookie, I want to say," Orange Cookie paused, "oh, it's you.

  "Sorry for being at my room," you shot back. Gumball Cookie walked away, probably mad at Orange Cookie for ruining the moment that wasn't so pleasant anyway. "Snookums!" Orange Cookie raced after him.

  "Well," you muttered, "that could've gone better. Eep." And for the first time in days, you couldn't even imagine a happy ending with Gumball Cookie. Eep.  


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