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735 days, 3 days and 45 minutes

that's how long i've been in hell, and how long it's been since i was taken from my home. my family, my life. my life was flipped and took a 180 spin. but what made it worse, nobody came looking for me. it was almost like i was another Persephone and my dad expected this from me. he knew it was only a matter of time before i'd turn to drugs and run.

but what he doesn't know, that wasn't the case.

i wasn't well kept. i was dirty and my hair was matted into a knot. my skin lost its glow and so did my eyes. i was a zombie. i was death and i have nothing to live for. The Reapers didn't keep me well fed. i was an animal only used for the purposes of greed and desire.

i was standing next to Blue, the monster who kept me in his clutch's. i was his toy. his pet that he hated but still kept around to torture. The morning started out with 6 lines of coke.

who knew at the age of 16 i would be a cokehead? those slippery white slopes of white were making my bones ache and my weight decreased everyday.

after each line, was a punch. after the other, a whip. this was the normal routine of the day and god was it agonizing. who would think to do this to someone? oh wait. i knew.

he was a slickly creature with long, straw black hair. his eyes beat with yellow rings around dark brown, and his skin was the color of puss green. he was heavy, of course, he was the king. he was well fed, well fucked, and well respected by his monsterous army.

i was his dirty pride that was just waiting for the right moment to escape. 

"Princess, why aren't you smiling? aren't you happy?" Blue smirked at me from his throne. we were on a pedestal, higher up in the club. he was watching all of his people do drugs and drown out their bodies with alcohol. while me, i was sitting next to him. on the floor with a water dish in front of me. chained to his chair. i was dressed in a skimpy bra, with holes in it from wearing it everyday. and a rag for a skirt that barely covered my butt.

it took me too long to answer blue, so he yanked my chain up higher to look him right in the eye. i showed no emotion towards him. he laughed a belly laugh, and threw me hard against the floor, knocking over my water. that's probably all the water i will get all day.

"worthless bitch." he sneered.

i longed to be at work with Ms. Marylou. i wanted to be at home in my bed sleeping in, i wanted to see my best friends Quinn and Sketch one last time, and play pool at the Alley Cat one last time. those memories kept me going everyday. everyday i wake up in this god forsaken place, made me want to get out more each day.

today was the day, i was going to escape.

The Reapers had others coming today to invest in a partner ship in the club. who would want to? but it would keep Blue occupied in the higher ups. i would be either locked in my cage, or attached to his hip like a prize. this was my perfect opportunity.

while standing next to Blue, a female reaper approached us. her name was Zombie. and she was gorgeous no doubt.

"i want the investors to marvel over her, make her look... presentable." Blue smirked at Zombie. she didn't pay mind to him, she must have been nervous. Zombie gripped my chain, and drug me away from Blue.

but before i could almost get away, he placed a grimey kiss on my forehead. holding his lips there for awhile i could smell his awful breath mixed with vomit and blood.

"i will see you soon my little princess." he sneered followed by a laugh. as i walked away, chain around my neck, i looked behind me to see another girl being brought up to Blue. He had a lot of girls, we were kept in a room of cages. there was about 15 of us as i could see from all over Florida. he must have girls from every city. but i was his greatest catch. i was his rivals daughter. and he would never let me go.

Zombie took me to a room fixed with a built in shower, and closet filled with clothes and shoes. it was a girls dream, it is wasn't for being held captive.

Zombie didn't speak much, she guided me to the shower. she showed me the soap and shampoo and waiting for me to be done. i guess she was meant to be a guard, and also pick out what i was being told to wear.

the rags on my body were starting to get moldy from being wet and dry all in the same day and never taking them off. my hair was easily unknotted thankfully. it had gotten so long in the past years.

when i got out of the shower, i saw a red dress hanging from the closet door, along with a pair of gold, sparkly heels. if i was in another setting i'd imagine myself getting ready for prom or my graduation, but instead i was being use for self enjoyment that wasn't even my own.

Zombie helped me do my hair and makeup, although i knew what i was in for, and so did she. maybe that's why she was so quiet. the women in the Reapers community were quiet, it's almost like their rules that women do not speak unless they are spoken too. they respect their men, and can not do anything without them knowing. my father would have never aloud this in the Witches. He knew everyone had the right to freedom of speech. Everyone is equal in his eyes.

Zombie looked at me after she was finished, in a low whisper, she said "beautiful". i smiled at her, thanking her in my smile. my chain was still around my neck, which was expected. anyone who enters the Reapers club, knew this is how things were. it wouldn't be a surprise if a women was chained beside a man.

when i was taken back to the main club venue, there was men and women alike dressed in business casual attire, suits and cocktail dresses. drinking champagne and wine. Blue was not in his usual throne but in the middle of a big group of men. when Zombie brought me to Blue, his eyes were bursting with lust, while the men around him with envy.

"ah my angel has arrive. come next to your master, princess." he said. i felt disgusted. i don't have a master, i am a grown women for god sakes. if i wouldn't want to die i would have spit right in his face.

on second thought, that might not be a bad idea. i'm tired of being treated like a slave, i'm a goddam witch. i can beat this motherfucker.

without thinking and letting anger get the best of me, i spit right in his eye socket. he yelped and a few gasped from the men around him. i gathered up my chain and make a run for it out of the venue. i had no idea where i was going but i need to get out of here. i need to see my dad and Ms. Marylou. i wanted to hug Septima and tell her how much i miss her.

the heels i was wearing weren't doing me justice, i quickly yanked them off my feet and let my bare heels pound against the concrete ground. there was too many twists and turns in the club and i soon later became lost.

i heard voices coming from the end of the hall way, or both ends i should say. i could hear yells of women all down the hall and grunts of men. i was scared, what have i done? Blue is going to kill me.

i reaches a dead end and it came to the realization that i was fucked. it was 3 doors in a corridor and all of them were locked. if i could have just found a window or something, but my luck ran out.

5 or so men were blocked my way out from running. they all had big heavy machine guns pointed at me waiting to open fire. trapped in my own chain, i heard a whistle i knew all too familiar. it was the whistle that Blue does every time someone does something they shouldn't have done.

he comes into view with his hands behind his back, and smirked playing on his lips.

"tsk, tsk, tsk. how long has it been, princess? i thought you would have memorized the rules. you think you can leave whenever you please? it doesn't work like that. and for that, you must be punished. i have no use for you no more. nobody is looking for you, they think your dead, so let's make you look dead."

i was grabbed by my chain and dragged down the hallway. i was screaming and thrashing. i wouldn't take down a fight. i knew were i was going. Blue leads every one of his bad girls down to the same room.

the underworld.

and that's exactly where i was headed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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