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The front door swung open, and you hesitated in the doorway. Walking into this house had always felt like coming home, even the first time when you'd had no idea it really was going to be home. This time though, the contrast couldn't be more drastic. It might still look like home, with pictures hanging above the staircase and your shoes lined up beside the door, but it felt unbearably empty and unfamiliar. This was no longer home—how could it be without Tom?

Walking through the doorway, you felt unwelcome, as if the house knew what you'd done, knew you'd broken a heart that never deserved to be broken. Tom was a good person—the best person. He deserved to be happy with someone who could handle the spotlight. He needed someone who could thrive by his side in the public eye, not someone who only wanted to go unnoticed in the crowd. He deserved better, and you knew that one day he would thank you for ending it. He was too in love to realize you weren't what he needed. So you'd made the decision for him. It was best for both of you. Now you could go back to being anonymous, and he could find someone who wouldn't hold him back.

You wandered into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, in hopes of calming down. As you passed the fridge, a note caught your eye. You recognized Tom's scrawling handwriting instantly.


I miss you more than I ever thought possible, but if this is what you truly want—if this is what's best for you...I'm not going to make it any more difficult. Because loving someone with your entire heart means wanting the best for them and trying to convince you to take me back would be the most selfish thing I would ever do, and I could never do that to you, no matter how much I'm dying to. Instead, I'll simply remind you that I love you, and even though I no longer have a place in your life, you'll always have a place in my heart. I hope you find the peace you're looking for. I'm just sorry I couldn't be it.



p.s. I didn't purchase this house for me...it's always been yours. Do whatever you want with it.

You stared at the words, rereading them several times. This note was the last thing you had to remember Tom by. His selflessness, his big heart, his truly good nature—Tom would always have a hold of your heart. You couldn't see yourself ever loving anyone else, but hopefully, with time your feelings would fade. They had to because the way you were feeling right now was absolute hell. But you did this to yourself, and you had to try to move on.


[5 months later]

Your phone's screen lit up displaying a new text.

Harrison Osterfield: I'm in the city this weekend wanna catch up?

You blinked in surprise. You'd never expected to hear from Harrison ever again, not after what you'd done to— You stopped your thoughts in their tracks. You'd promised to not think about him. It was the only way to keep sane. Letting yourself think of him only cracked your heart further, so banning him from your life in all aspects was the only solution. Not that it really worked, but you tried your best to minimize the damage.

Your first instinct was to feed Harrison an excuse saying you were busy. It would be too much to see Haz again. If you wouldn't even let yourself think his name...you definitely shouldn't be hanging out with his best friend. But maybe this could be another step towards healing? It could be a type of closure. Surely Harrison would mention that he was doing well, and then you could stop worrying. It would be easier to move on knowing for fact he was over you. Try as you might, you couldn't help noticing his name and face pop up in tabloids alongside famous models and actresses. He was doing just fine, but hearing it from Harrison would make it real. You needed to know he was ok. Then maybe you could be too.

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