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Grunting, his fist hits the punching bag with a satisfying thwack.He punches it a few more times, taking deep swigs from his water bottle after every powerful hit.

"Hey, Archie? I'm sorry to do this to you man, but the gym's closing early. Something about a maintenance issue? Anyways, see ya bro!" Reggie Mantle hollers to Archie from across the school's workout room. Archie slowly picks up his stuff, stalling until his somewhat-friend leaves. As soon as the door slams shut, Archie dials her number. She picks up on the second ring.

"Archie!" She exclaims demurely. "I was just about to call you! Meet me at Pop's?" Archie chuckles, not able to keep the small smile off his face. Quickly, the smile drops, and he clears his throat. "Archie, it's okay to do that you know. You can laugh and smile, and that doesn't mean you'll forget her. She wants you to be happy." Her voice consoles him, sensing his sadness that she knows all too well. Though, every time he smiles or laughs he has this image in his head. Betty, starving in a dark room, beat up and crying. Any trace of laughter or a smile vanishes every time it happens. Clearing his throat again, Archie dodges the last part completely, focusing instead on their plans to meet up.

"Sure, Bombshell. Meet you in ten. Oh! And uh, don't forget to order extra fries this time!" He ends the call, grabbing his bag. These afternoon visits to Pop's with Cheryl have become a routine since the afternoon after Betty went missing last Friday night. They sit and discuss what could've happened and where to look next. Over the past two days, they've come up with nothing. Though, Archie feels that there's something different about today.

Yep, he feels it. No- he knows it. Something big is coming, whether it be good or bad. Flexing his hands, then forming a fist, he smiles. He's ready. Ready for anything that'll come, whether it be today, the next day, or even the day after that. This feeling? It's taking root in his heart, his mind, his soul, his very being. Because that's what Archie Andrews believes in: hope. This feeling is nothing other than hope. Hope that is becoming far too scarce in the hearts of the people inhabiting this little town harboring so many dark secrets.

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