

Jungkook POV:
I quickly turn off my phone and throw it and yAnk my hand outa my pants


I fall off the couch and hit my head on the coffee table getting an instant headache

T:oh shit jungkook are u ok sry I scared u
Jk:yea I-I think I'm ok
T:you sure?
T:I can help u to the be-
Jk:no tae it's ok I can do it

I try to get up but I wince and lay back down tae looks at me in concern I just look at him and make graby hands he smiles sadly and comes and picks me up bridal style and carries me upstairs to....his bedroom? And lays me down on his bed he looks at me  and lays beside me throwing his arm over my hip pulling me towards him so his front was pressed against my back I stared at the wall intensely with wide eyes I felt embarrassed I still kinda had a boner and tae was cuddling me why do I kinda like it-no fuck why do I have this feeling maybe I'm just tired
I feel his warm breath on my neck it felt comforting I relaxed a bit maybe this is a dream I close my eyes next thing u know I was out like a light.

               ///next day///

I wake up feeling cold I look over to see no Taehyung wa sit a dre-no I'm still in his room I sit up immediately getting a head ache I look at his light blue pillow it has much blood on it
Oh fuck.


No answer
I try to call once again

Jk:Kim tae!-
Jk:I'm so sry pls don't freak out but I got bloo-
T:jungkook,jungkook calm down it's ok I promise I was gonna clean ur head but u had already some What dozed off while I was carrying u up here

He walks over to me and sits beside me

Tae:now I'll let u borrow a pair of my sweat pants and a T-shirt so u can change for classes
Jk:oh thank u
Tae:no problem bud

He lightly kisses my head he does it all the time I don't mind he hands me the clothes and I go to the bathroom and shower and get out I then realize I have no clean underwear matter of fact I didn't pack anything at all except my stuff for class that's in my car I can't ask tae for underwear that's weird so I just put on the sweatpants and shirt the pants weren't to lose or tight they fit perfectly but u can still see the outline of my dick in the pants nobody's gonna be looking there anyway I come out of the bathroom and put my shoes on and run my hand thru my wet hair since it'll air dry it's self I walk downstairs and grab my phone and get a water from the refrigerator

Taehyungs POV:
I walk downstairs and see jungkook bending over in the kitchen I quietly run over and smirk to myself I leave a hard smack right on his ass he jumps and turns around surprised his face is blaring red

Jk:what the fuck was that for
T:sorry it was just stuck out there I had to do it

He just tools his eyes and walks out to his car I follow him since he always brings me to school with him I get in and so does he I look at his pants noticing a very noticeable bulge dead center
He's huge.

T:ou god damn jungkook

He says as he starts driving to school

T:u gotta biG dIck DadDy
T:anyone can clearly see it without ever looking
Jk:chillllll dudeeeeee why u lookinnnn
T:bc it looks inviting
Jk:well it wouldn't look like that if I couldn't wacKed mY shIt last night insteaD of falling off a couch and cuddling with u for the rest of the night
T:pull 'em down
T:u heard me
Jk:I ok hold on

Ya see I like to help ppl I know jungkooks not gay but once in a while I see he needs help so I hand my self over to him we've never fucked since ya know jungkooks still a baby he's a virgin lol pussy ass b-no I'm kidding but yee yee
I watch him pull down his pants mid thigh just Incase. I go down leaning over the seat

T:don't fuck up jungkook keep ur eyes on the road buddy

I immediately take him in my mouth and I mean all of him I begin sucking a teasing his dick with. My mouth I hear him gasp and moan above me I know he enjoys our little senerios like this I really like them see I like-no I fucking love jungkook not as just a friend I love his as in I wish he was mine the thing is jungkook doesn't want me:(( that's the problem-

Jk:t-taeh-Hyung I'm gonna cum-fuck!

He cums deep inside my throat with a high pitched moan his moans are so pretty I wish I could hear them all the time....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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