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nightmares & troubles waxing

Another one. How many times would his stupid fucking head do this? They'd gone away for about a year, only to come desperately crawling back for a home inside the darkest corners of Shinsou's mind. These nightmares fed off all his insecurities like they were nothing at all, spreading the disease of doubt through the good things he had to uphold his sanity.

One of those things was the figure softly snoring beside him, eyes very nearly shut, the limpness of sleep having cracked them open. He was tucked underneath blankets, sinking in the crook of the mattress with a gentle expression resting upon his delicate face.

Denki was the good Shinsou kept sheltered from his nightmares, shoving him as far as he could away from his issues. Maybe it was bad, but he saw Denki as untainted. Pure. The shredder to all the bad things Shinsou felt, cleansing him of negativity.

Yeah, maybe it was bad, but ignorance was bliss.

"Hitoshi..." Denki softly mumbled, amber eyes sliding open to the dark of their room. "Mm, is everything okay?" He lifted a hand, pawing over Shinsou's back with a tired playfulness.

Unable to confess his woes in fear of dirtying Denki, he quietly replied, "Yeah. I'm fine. You should go back to sleep." It was easy to lie to anyone else, really, but he couldn't ever get away with it when it came to Denki. A soft but skeptic hum came back as an answer, fingers now absentmindedly tracing the lines on Shinsou's palm.

"I don't wanna. Tell me what's wrong," he gave a groggy whine, slowly sitting himself up before dropping his head on Shinsou's shoulder. "What do you need from me, Shi-Shi?" When Denki was most tired, he had a tendency to resort to the most endearing nickname possible. He'd come up with it on the way home from a date once, testing out Shinsou's name as though he hadn't ever spoken it before. Then he began to monkey around and ended up with: 'Shinsou Hitoshi.'

It made him feel sucky to brush off Denki, but he did and quickly swung his feet to the ground in hopes that the couch would be more open to good dreams. He'd shoot for no dreams, as long as the nightmares stayed away. "You don't have to give me anything, Denki. I'm just going to sleep on the couch." He didn't bother with grabbing a pillow or blanket; they shared the latter and he couldn't bring himself to use one of the cold ones that sat idle in the closet.

The soft whimper from Denki came out choked, as though he were an abused dog. Shinsou was so weak to it and, fortunately, Denki was unaware of such a fact. "Hitoshi, don't leave me alone," he watched, head comfortably sunk into his pillow, as Shinsou got to his feet with a (hopefully) straight shot to the door. It was better to escape now before Denki shot out ploys that would indubitably freeze Shinsou in his tracks. "At least let me come sleep with you on the couch."

Shinsou's breath hitched, mind fluttering all sorts of directions as he examined that scenario. Denki, laying over him in peaceful deep sleep or Denki, suffocating him to death. Weighing one with the other, he glanced over his shoulder and shook his head, "No." Best to make the pain short.

"Shi-Shi! That's not fair!" Denki loudly whined after him, scrambling to get up and step out of their room. He stumbled a bit through the hall, but when he got to the living room, Shinsou had already splayed himself out on the couch. "Why can't you be nicer to me?" The sleepy high was definitely getting to Denki's head. Any other time of day, he'd be teasing Shinsou about how blunt he was.

Unfortunately for Denki, Shinsou had already resorted to disregarding all begs. If anymore whining came into the picture, he would cave. "Denki, go to bed. I'll let you do whatever you want tomorrow night." Too deep in his pouting, Denki sauntered over, lowering himself to his knees so he could dig his chin into Shinsou's muscular arm. "Stop that." He didn't.

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