ℂ𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕙'𝕤

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*𝕋𝕠𝕞'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍*
*𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟*

As soon as everyone went to sleep I started thinking deeply about the dream I had awoken from today. It made me feel guilty about what I have done. How I nearly killed him, destroyed him. I've always felt guilty about what I've done, but never like this before. Usually what I do to drown away the guilt and sorrows away would be to just lock myself up in my room, not bothered by anyone and having a grand time getting drunk, so that was what I was going to do tonight.

A few hours passed by and the sting in my throat eventually got more intense each drink I took. I've already gone through two bottles and I could probably go through one more. Each sip I took, the more pain was eased. I've always found comfort in the cold, strong, bitter taste that alcohol gives off. It was so addicting, I couldn't help but not find satisfaction in the bottom of the foggy bottle. Once I finished about three bottles I was a mess. All I could ever remember was me sobbing silently into my pillow to not disturb anyone of my needs.
What a funny word. What exactly did it mean though in this situation? I couldn't be bothered to even think about it so I just drifted off to sleep with bottles around me in my drunken, hazed state. Not giving a damn in the world.

A few hours have passed and I woke up to a soft, comforting hand pressed against his face. "Wake up, Tom, " Edd said quietly, as to not disturb me in a rude manner. In reply I grunted back, not wanting to be bothered. "Come on, Tom. It's 3:00 P.M, you've been asleep long enough." Edd cooed trying to get me up. 3:00 P.M?! Damn, I've slept the whole day away. I then slowly got up to try and not make the pounding in my head worse from the wicked hangover I was going to experience. The light from the hallway flooded my room and blinded me, since I wasn't used to the light being in my room, so it left me with blurred vision. Actually, I couldn't tell if my vision was blurred due to my vicious headache, or the light coming in my room.

I decided to get up and go on with my life, surprisingly, and slipped on my iconic blue hoodie and some black jeans. I then put on some checkered slip-on vans, grabbed my phone, and went into the living room. "Hey Edd, I'm gonna go to the bar. Is that fine with you?" I asked. "Sure, Tom. Just be careful on your way back, and try not to get into any fights!" The green chubby male called out.

Let's put it this way, I'm not actually going to the bar, I'm going to the hill to see the remains of the explosion. I just wanted to see what was left, and what damage my harpoon managed to do. Walking over there, I felt a heavy feeling in my chest, my feet dragging as I got closer and closer to the site. "This is it, " I sighed. The site in front of me made my heart drop. The man who Edd once trusted. The man we had many adventures with. The man who betrayed us. It hurt to think of what he did, especially since it took a toll on Edd and Matt. I will never forgive the commie bastard. Never.

I then sat down to take in the beauty of the sunset. I looked down and noticed dark spots forming on my hoodie. The realization then came to me that I was crying. Crying because of the damage that this man caused to hurt gain world dominance. He destroyed our house, killed our neighbor, and might I add he nearly killed me. This man can no longer be trusted for what he is.

It was getting late but I decided to stay as I was being drawn to the beauty of the sunset. After the sun was struggling to avoid being drowned by darkness, I decided to head back, but a sudden rustle in the bush startled me from doing so.

*Tord's POV*
*First Person*

A sudden urge kicked in for me to go to the site. It's funny how fast time goes by when you have no future planned for you. You just live day by day, night by night. I slipped out of the abandoned car and went over to the cliff where it happened. "What would I need friends for when I've got this?! I'm unstoppable!" The memory flashes in my head like a broken record, sending chills down my spine as it replayed over and over in my head. The sudden guilt washed over me as I got closer and closer, my heart sinking to my feet.

I started to make my way through the forest, stepping on leaves and branches while doing so. The jagged branches would cut into my skin, drawing two to four drops of blood in the process. I finally got to the last layer of bushes and trees, but suddenly stopped myself in my tracks as I saw a certain someone. Tom. What was he doing here? I thought he'd forget this and leave it in the past by now. I did a number on him though, nearly killing him in the process of me gaining world dominance. "Who's there?" A familiar Brit's voice rang through the area. Everything around me started to close in, my breath quickening and shortening. I fell to the ground, shaking, crying, and labored breathing. He knows someone is here, I have to leave but I can't.

I started to hear him come my way, putting me in panic even more. This is it. He's got me cornered. I'm gonna die. He suddenly then cleared the layers in between us, stepping towards me while doing so. "What the heck?! Did someone just dump a body here? Wait... Tord?! What the hell are you doing here you sick fuck?!" He screamed at me, visible tear stains streaking his face. "You sick fuck! Do you know how much pain you caused to Edd and Matt, to me?! You're lucky you made it out alive of that explosion you fucking sick bastard! You don't even deserve to live because of the havoc you've caused to us!" He was basically screaming at me by now. "Wait, are you crying?" I then calmed down to try and talk to him, but I stuttered as I spoke.

"H-hello, Thomas. Yes, I do re-ealize I d-destroyed relationships with people I t-trust the most. It was stupid of m-me to even think I could d-dominate the world. I n-never have forgiven m-m-myself for what I've redone." I looked down, trying not to make eye contact. Using the sleeve of my hoodie to wipe my eyes dry, I then took the time to recollect myself. "I'm really sorry for what I've done to you, Edd, and Matt. I have realized that what I have done was something I dreamed of and could never make a possibility. I would love it if you could take me to Edd's and Matt's so I could apologize face to face, please?" He then sighed and thought for a second. "Fine, but you're not staying to chat with them for long, you've let them down enough, and I don't know if they trust you yet." We then started to make our way to their apartment. I was getting jittery the closer and closer we came to being at their apartment.

𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕨𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤  [Eddsworld] TordTom Fanfic [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now