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No Pov:
She made a confused look, "I don't know what your talking about.." she stifled a snicker. Kakashi sighed, grabbing his mask as she handed it to him.

"You're such a child, Hinata."

She smiled, "Thank you." He sighed sitting next to her, "So about us. I think that we shouldn't do this..."

She looked at him, "What do you mean?"

Kakashi gripped her hands in between his, "In saying that we shouldn't do this if you have to keep on going places and staying there for..Kami who knows where!"

Hinata nodded, "I guess I shouldn't move in with you cause that would just be awkward." She picked up her one box, body flickering herself to the Hyuuga compound.

"Kakashi-sensei said he doesn't need to teach me anything.." she placed her stuff down. Kneeling by her father, "I'm guessing because you're going to be leaving in about a couple months.."

She nodded, "I'm still going to train and take missions, father."

Hiashi nodded, motioning her to go to her room. She walks thru the doorway, as she shuts the door. Sadness overwhelmed her, she slide down on the ground. Back against the door and cried.


"Kami...why is this happening."

"This is for the best.." Kami whispered

Hinata sighed, getting up to trim her hair. "Fine, i Don't have time for love."
Author the Baka: the end. I'm going to make another book about this soon...

242 words


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