Chapter One

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Jackie's POV

My name is Jackie Thoma Guay and I am 17 years old. I have a twin sister named Storm, we are the last soul shifters alive and we became rouges 7 years ago.


Storm and I ran through the kitchen to our parents who were sitting on the black leather couch in the living room. The living room had light blue walls with pictures of Storm and I on the walls. It had many windows and a sliding glass door to go into the back yard. It also had furniture and a wooden coffee table in the center.

My mother and father sat in the love seats, hand in hand. We ran and jumped on them while giggling like there was no tomorrow. My mother stared down at me as my father did the same to Storm. My mothers eyes reflected so much love towards me as I looked up at her with my rainbow colored eyes that probably showed the same emotion.

My mother smiled at me as she knew what I was about to ask. Today was Storm and I's birthday, and it was almost time to open presents. Storm and I started jumping up and down on our parents lap. They started laughing at how exited we were to finally be 10 years old.

Finally what felt like centuries, my mother finally got up and handed Storm and I, one present each. My mother handed me a small light navy blue leather box with a dark blue ribbon. Opening the box, it revealed a silver neckless with a full moon carved on it. The moon was filled with a light blue liquid. My eyes started to blur as the unshed tears formed, I looked up at my mother and hugged her. As I sat on her lap she pulled me away just enough so she could see my face.

"Jackie, make sure you never take this neckless off, for it will help you in the future to show you who you are and guide you to were you need to go." She said as she placed the neckless around my neck.

I shivered as the cold silver made contact with my tan skin. All of a sudden we heard a loud bang and screams. My mother and father made eye contact and looked back at us. My father put Storm next to our mother as he ran out side threw the front door. My mother looked at us with a mixes of worry and fear, but what was most present, sadness.

She dragged Storm and I to the back door. She opened it and look around to make sure the coast was clear from whatever was out there. After looking around for a minute my mother turned around and kneeled by our sides ,she first turned to Storm and said,

"Storm take care of your baby sister and I want you to take her and run as far away from here as you can. And never turn back no matter what. Okay?"

"Yes Mama" Storm said with tears starting to form in her eyes.

My mother turned to me then and said,

"Jackie, follow your big sister and listen to her no matter what. And don't argue either."

I looked at my mother, wanting to argue, but knew it wasn't the time.

"Yes Mama" I said looking at her with sadden filled eyes.


We turned around to hear banging on the door. My mom turned and quickly dragged us out the door. She pushed us towards the woods yelling,


Storm turned around, grabbed my hand and ran. Turning around for the last time only to see my mother being slaughtered by a tall, buff man with a scared face.


I looked up at the night sky thinking of what my mothers last words to us were. Before giving into the darkness, falling into a dreamless sleep, the questions 'who were those people and why did they kill everyone' went through my head.

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