Chapter Four

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Jackie's P.O.V

After walking through the front doors of the school, Storm and I walked to the office were an old lady with pale skin and short gray hair sat looking at some school files.

I smiled as I asked "We're new here and we were wondering if we can have our locker numbers and class schedules."

She looked up from what she was doing and smiled a loving smile while saying,"Well of course, you young lady's must be Jackie and Storm Thoma Guay."

Storm and I both smiled and nodded at the lady. After giving us our locker number and class schedules, Storm and I found out that we didn't have any classes together but our lockers were next to each other (thank god).

My first class was P.E, my favorite. I changed into my short shorts and a loose t-shirt. When I existed the girls locker room I went to the field were I was told to meet.

There was a group of pretty well built guys and they were surrounded but sluts. When the P.E teacher Mr. Bubbles, (ya that's right, my WEREWOLF P.E teachers name is Mr. Bubbles haha XP) entered the field, he blew a whistle to get everyone's attention.

I flinched because of how high pitched and loud the whistle was for my sensitive ears.

" Okay class, today we are going to run 20 laps around the field, and no complaining. Let's start!" Mr. Bubble said.

Everyone groaned, well except all the guys who were werewolf's and me of course. I love to run, I can never get tired of it, well and that I'm a soul shifter and even if I wanted to I still couldn't get tired.

I started to run my first few laps, I overlapped the humans a few times. I started to pick up speed so I can pass the werewolf's.

They looked back, well more like to the side of them as I started to get ahead. They quickly picked up speed while smirking at each other, but they quickly dropped as I passed them without even braking a sweat.

After our 20 laps I was pumped. Then Mr. Bubbles yelled,

"Ok class!!! Now we are going to do hand to hand combat!!! I'm going to pair you guys up!!!"

OMFG YESSSS!!!! I love hand to hand combat just as much as running and that means something! As you know I didn't really pay attention until I heard my name being said.

"Britney and Jackie."

I looked up to see a girl that was wearing shorts so short that it could be considered as a belt, a shirt that looked like a piece of cloth barely covering her boobs and 9 inch heels. Her face looked like a coloring book that a 2 year old drew on and had bleached blond hair. She walked towards me with a smirk on her face.

I took a whiff of her sent and knew she was werewolf. I grinned back as I walked towards her. I heard whispering around us as I heard Mr. Bubbles say,

"READY..... SET.... GO!!!!!"

She walked around me in circles. 'Typical werewolf,' I thought as she launched towards me, but I dodged her easily.

She looked up at me and her eyes turned darker, she was getting pissed. I grin which made her even more mad, she swung a punch at me but I grabbed her hand like it was nothing.

She let out a gasp in surprise. I grinned but then she slapped me in the face. THAT SLUT SLAPPED ME IN MY FACE!!!!!

I turned towards her with probably a really pissed off look. She smirked but I got rid of it real fast by punching her in the face. She looked at me and with her high pitched, annoying, bitchy voice screeched,

" YOU BITCH!!!!"

By that time everyone stopped what they were doing and watched. I turned to her, her fist still in my hand. I twisted it back and flipped her over me onto the ground. I heard a few gasp mostly from the werewolf's.

I straddled her and punched her face, hard. I heard a loud crack and I knew it was not my body that cracked. I leaned down and whispered for only her to hear,

"Next time you make the chose to slap me I won't be this nice."

She looked at me in shock as she held her now broken nose that would heal in a few hours (maybe tehe).

I got up and she quickly got up and ran away with her slutty friends running behind her trying to help. I turned to see everyone wide eyed, staring at me.

"What?!" I said looking confused at the people in front of me. One of the werewolf's said something only we supernaturals could hear."What are you?"

I smirked at him and said just as quiet,"Guess you will just have to find out."

They looked shocked at not only my answer but how I could hear them. I just grinned, turned around, and walked back to the girls locker rooms. 'Well that was fun' I thought to myself.

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