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My mom is a nice person. She tries her best to be there for me but...I really did not like what she did. My mom started to argue again with my dad and this happened recently. I say around July of 2018. Anyways I heard them arguing while I was in the living room playing with my dog. At that moment I took my dog into my room and he was freaking out too. I was having an anxiety attack because of what was going on and he was trying to comfort me but it didn't happen. My mom started yelling on the top of her lungs and my dad did too. I started screaming,crying, and throwing stuff because I didn't know what to do. My mom then came into my room and said "let's go" and I yelled at her saying "I DON'T WANT TO GO! THIS IS WHERE I LIVE! AND I HAVE A CHOICE WHO I GET TO STAY WITH!" Then she told me "Please I can't live without you. You're going with me this time." Then I said "WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME WHEN I WAS SMALL?! WHY DID YOU NOT COME PLACES WITH ME AND MY DAD?! YOU WERE ALWAYS INVITED BUT YOU SAID NO! I WAS ALWAYS WORRIED ABOUT YOU AND MISSING YOU!" Then she told me about how my dad is a bad person. My dad them came into the room because he was listening from outside. I went to my bed and listened to music because I didn't want to hear but that didn't help. I heard my mom threatening my dad that she'll send him to border patrol because he's "illegal" but he has his green card. Then she kept telling me to come with her. I just kept telling her no and started screaming. My mom then called my grandma and started to tell her how my dad was an awful person and that she's gonna take me with her. My dad couldn't take my mom so he said "Mija, just go with your mom for now." And I told my dad no. He then told me that everything will be okay and that he'll always be here for me. I said "okay" and started to pack a backpack to put my clothes in. I was done packing then he gave me hug and started to cry. I have never seen him cry in a while. He kissed my forehead and said "I love you and I promise that everything will be ok." Then I got into my mom's car and we left. I cried the whole drive on our way to my grandma's house then cried myself to sleep. After that day we went back to my dad's house and my mom wanted me to move in and I didn't want that so I argued with her but it was no use.

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