Naru's Allergy to Dust

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Naru's Point of View: We arrived to the attic and it WAS indeed dusty. I tried to hold my sneezes while we look across the dirty boxes. "Don't disturb what's in there." Count Aigula said. "We won't." Aiger said. "I understand." Shu said. "I...ah, ah, ah." I was about to say I agree but my allergies got in the way. "Naru, are you about to sneeze?" Aiger asked. I nodded. "Try to hold it." Shu said. I tried but I couldn't hold it much longer. "Ah, ah, ah...." I said. "Uh Oh!" Count Aigula said. "Aiger, your sister is about to sneeze." Count Aigula told my brother. "Oh No!" Aiger said. "Ah, ah, ah." I tried holding it but I couldn't. "ACHOO!" I sneezed. The sneeze echoed everywhere in the attic. Everyone looked at me. "Sorry Shu, I couldn't hold it." I said. "I don't mind it." Shu told me. I saw a picture and I saw it's eyes move and it said "Gesundheit." a voice called out. I was shocked. I saw the picture. "Who's there?" I asked. Count Aigula said "It's okay guys, Come on out." I was confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked. Then, I saw a ghost from the portrait come out. Aiger, Shu, and I were wide-eyed. "WHOA!" All 3 of us said. "I didn't find the small yellow box. Did you find it?" the ghost asked his friend. Another ghost appeared and said "No, I couldn't find it." the ghost answered. "Who are they?" I asked.

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