Chapter 2

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Emilia takes to Egor straight away, welcoming him into their home like a visitor. Shingen discovers that she'd even spent her time alone getting the guest room set up, and she apologizes for not knowing how Egor would want it decorated.

"That's quite alright," he replies. "I've never stayed in a room like this before, so anything will do."

"I could go outside and get a bunch of leaves!" she suggests.

"No, no, don't trouble yourself. As long as I'm going to be staying with you, I think it might be fun to experience things as you do," says Egor.

"He's so gracious! What a wonderful guest," Emilia says with a happy sigh.

"Uh oh, Egor. It seems my wife has taken to you quite a bit," says Shingen. "You know, I'd be jealous, except I've taken to you quite a bit myself."

With a blank smile, their guest replies, "Thank you." He pauses for a moment, reaching for the cross hanging around his neck, and looking between Shingen and Emilia. After a moment, he steps closer to Emilia, steadily closing the distance between them. She giggles, a confused look on her face, and his expression does not shift as he reaches his arms out and begins to tickle her sides.

Even as Emilia begins to squeal with laughter, his expression remains the same, and he tickles her relentlessly, until Shingen manages to recover from his own laughter and say, "That's quite enough, Egor."

"She and I don't have a deal, doctor."

"Yes, but part of my research may involve that little habit of yours, so, until further notice, no tickling without my say so. Alright?"

He hesitates for only a moment before he nods and lets go, and Emilia, tears of laughter streaked down her face, runs to her husband, crying, "Shingen!" She tucks herself into his embrace as if for protection.

"I apologize, doctor," says Egor after a moment. For whatever reason, he seems to prefer calling the man by that, rather than his name. "I'm not used to having to ignore those impulses."

"Honestly, the fact that it's an impulse is fascinating to me! I certainly hope we can uncover a little about that," he replies.

"I'm too ticklish," Emilia says, her voice muffled as she buries her face against her husband's chest.

"Poor dear," he says sympathetically, reaching a hand up to pat the back of her head.


"I've got some bad news for you, Egor," says Shingen one day, walking into the kitchen.

"What's that?"

"Well, it seems nobody at my company is interested in working o my research team right now. They've been iffy about this project from the start, so even though I've gone to all the trouble of finding you, they want to postpone things!" Throwing his hands up in exasperation, he gives a theatrical sigh.

Egor looks down at his plate for a moment, contemplating. "Well," he says, "I'm in no position to break our deal, but either way, I'm enjoying my time here, so if it's a little extended, then that isn't a problem."

"Do you want me to make you more?" Emilia asks.

"Please don't trouble yourself for my sake, ma'am."

"But I like cooking for you! I don't get to cook very often, so it's not any trouble." For whatever reason, they've discovered that Egor vastly prefers Emilia's cooking to anything they order in or anything that Shingen makes. Needless to say, she's thrilled to have found someone who appreciates her culinary skills- or lack thereof, depending on who you ask.

"Well, if you're going to be stuck with us, we might as well have some fun with it, right? I think you've learned enough from us to be able to blend in enough for a night out on the town. Don't you agree, Emilia?"

"Ooh, a date? Are we taking Egor on a date?"

"Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I thought dates had to do with romantic intent," he speaks up.

"Aw, looks like he caught onto our teasing," says Shingen. "I guess, if I had to put it simply, I would say that I'm what you'd call a huge flirt. Have you learned that word yet?"

"I think I'm familiar with it. Are you...flirting...because of romantic intent, or for another reason?"

"I enjoy teasing people, of course!"

"Ah, yes. I should have been able to figure that out, doctor. After all, you have a wife," he says with his usual smile.

"Well, actually, that isn't a problem for a lot of humans. We aren't quite as monogamous as your kind. There are some who have multiple partners, or relationships that involve a whole group," explains Shingen. "And, of course, there are the scoundrels who go behind their loved ones' backs with others, but that isn't the kind of example I want you following!" He speaks like a father for a moment, but beneath his mask, he's smiling warmly, not that Egor can see that.

"I doubt I'll be involved like that with any of your kind," replies the leshy. "I hope that doesn't offend you, I didn't mean any harm by it."

"Holding out for someone more like you? Well, that's not so bad. Just pay my flirtations no mind!" He claps a hand on Egor's back. "But I was serious about the date, even if it isn't really a date. I'd love it if you'd accompany me and my wife out to see more of the world."

"I'd like that."

"Hmm..." He looks Egor up and down. "We'll have to try to find you some clothes that are more appropriate, though it'll be tricky with your height, I'm sure."

"Doctor, you're aware that I can change my height, aren't you?"

"Of course! Silly me, letting that slip my mind."

"Yes, well, I could do that, but I think it might be easier if I changed my clothes myself," he says, and they watch at the clothes on his body shift, until he's suddenly wearing a casual suit. "How's this?"

"Well, well," says Shingen, "I'm impressed. I'm going to have to make note of that. I wasn't aware that your clothes were a part of your appearance that you could manipulate. Do you even have a naked form?"

He flushes, and Shingen has to wonder if that's a natural process or a rehearsed one. "I'd rather not discuss things like that in front of a lady, doctor."

"Emilia is a scientist herself, so there's nothing to be shy about! Ah, well, we do need to get a move on, don't we? We can learn all your indecent secrets later!"

And so, the three of them prepare for a night out. Though Egor has spent his long life observing what people he's met and learning about their lives from a distance, this is his first time being so up close and personal. He's never been into a city before, other than the brief time he spent being driven to Shingen's home. Other than what they've shown him on television, he really doesn't know what to expect, but he's excited, nonetheless.

"One of these days, we're going to have to teach you how to drive," says Shingen. They had been driven to his home by one of his coworkers, and tonight, Emilia is driving them. "It'd be nice to have a chauffeur."

Egor has to assume the man is kidding, since he has no means to get a license.

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