The Video

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Second fic *faints*

So I wrote this because I had nothing else to do on the train. So my first couple of fics that I post won't be really good, but practice helps.

I did some quick editing, so no guarantees that you won't find any mistakes.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Doctor Who franchise.

Constructive Crit. Welcomed.


The Doctor opened his mouth to Rose, and their tongues collided. She moaned into him, and The Doctors response was to thrust them towards a wall of the TARDIS. Rose pushed the doctor onto the wall where they desperatly rubbed against eachother, eager for friction.

'I love you I love you I love you' The Doctor murmured over and over again onto her mouth. I return, Rose put her hands down his pants and rubbed him up and down.

He gasped.

He thrust into her hand as their lips collided once more, and he felt pleasure rise up inside him, faster than expected.

He came onto Rose's hand faster than expected, and the aftermath left him trembling and quite frankly, struggling to get any coherent words out other that her name.

'Rose' he spoke shaking. He tried to put all his feelings into that one beautiful word.

The Doctor reached out to cup her face, and leaned forward once more, his hand drifting downwards to the apex of her thighs when...

Suddenly, he jerked awake to find his pants soiled, himself sweating and aching.

He lay there shook for while, trying to comprehend what had happened.

Groaning to himself, he peeled back his clothing to confirm his fear: he had indeed had a very wet dream and had come inside his pants.

Some boyish part still inside him wanted to see if it was hands free or if he jerked himself whilst dreaming.

All the while of his trail of thoughts did he ignore the fact that his dream was about Rose.

As Jack once said when he was still in his old body: "you could fry ice in the room with The Doctor and Rose from all the sexual tension". This comment resulted in Rose throwing a vase from some ancient planets antique shop at him and The Doctor denying it all together.

But it was true, something was stiring in the air between The Doctor and Rose, and it had only seemingly increasified by his regeneration.

He couldn't tell if Rose preferred this body or his old one, but he knew for a fact that she liked his hair, with her even going so far as to braid it when they were both in a silly/playful mood.

Being dragged half back to the present, The Doctor remembered a recording device he and Rose had to use on his own mind when in sleep he was infested by creatures of the invisible night. These particular creatures would only affect him to get information on him and his wearabouts when their masters wanted it. The telltale sign of The Doctor muttering a foreign language would tell Rose if he was not himself.

They got the cure, so he was creature free, but they never got round to removing the device. It would only activate when a combination of sound and movement were mixed, and a small alarm would go off for Rose to check.




If his thoughts were correct, he would have to view the video from his room before going into the main TARDIS engine room and deleting the video before Rose saw it.

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