Chapter 18: The Truth About The Roses

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It's the week of the dance and the entire school is insanely excited. I don't really see the hype about school dances, but some people, such as Ella literally live for them.

Ella, being on the committee team for the dance is constantly stressed out. "So much to do and so little time," is her new favourite catchphrase.

On Tuesday during PE, we were split into teams and I was put on the same team as Riley while Wes was on the other team. We played soccer on the field for a bit however, after a while, a girl hurts her knee and our gym teacher takes her inside to get ice.

Everyone disperses somewhere. "Let's go over here," Riley takes me to a hidden spot under the bleachers.

We talk for a bit until we hear a conversation of two people sitting on the bleachers. We can't see them and they can't see us, but we can definitely hear them.

"Wait a minute..." I recognize one of the voices to be Wes and he's talking to some other girl.

"Oh my gosh, he's talking to Skylar Singer?" Riley says, shocked.

We quietly listen to what they say.

"We were always a thing, Wes. And then all of a sudden you just change your mind without any warning!" Skylar sounds kind of hurt and I almost feel bad for her.

"We haven't been a thing in so long, Sky," Wes replies.

"We were. Before you asked her to the dance instead of me. You and I talked about it for so long, how you'd ask me in the sweetest possible way with roses and a gift and a sweet note," Skylar sounds close to tears.

"Sky..." Wes starts but she cuts him off.

"And then the next thing I hear is that you've sent sixteen roses to Aria Middleton's house instead of mine and asked her to the dance. Out of the blue when you haven't even looked at her once in years,"

"Sky, you don't know the whole story," Wes says calmly.

"Oh yeah? Then maybe you should've told me the whole story a long time ago," Skylar says angrily.

"Sky, don't be mad, okay? Just listen. The roses and note and gift and whatever weren't supposed to be for Aria, they were supposed to be for you. I sent them to your place but I guess they got the address' mixed up and sent them to her place. I couldn't just tell her there was a mistake and besides, you already had a date, so what was I supposed to do? And thankfully, you two have a lot in common, she likes Breakfast At Tiffany's and her favourite colour is pink too. I liked you, Sky, I promise. At the time, I wanted to ask you but—"

I can't listen to anymore. I feel so angry and betrayed. When was he going to tell me the roses weren't actually for me?

I rush out of the bleachers and run to where Wes and Skylar are sitting. Riley follows me.

Wes notices me and immediately panics. "Oh my gosh, Aria!"

"So when were you gonna tell me? Or did you just decide you'd leave me to believe all my life that those roses were for me?" I snap.

"It's not like that. Let me explain," Wes pleads.

"No, I think you've said enough," I start walking away.

"Aria! Please!" Wes says. I can feel my eyes burn, I don't want to start crying in front of everyone. I run inside to look for the bathroom and Wes follows, calling my name.

I stop and turn around. "Just leave me alone, Wesley."

Wes looks hurt by the fact that I used his full name. "You don't understand. How much did you even hear?"

"Enough to know the truth,"

"You didn't hear it all because that's not the truth. What you think is true isn't really true,"

"Just leave me alone," I start walking again but then turn back around to him. "I said leave!"

"But I don't want you to be mad!"

I'm furious. "Why would you care if I'm mad at you? Clearly I'm nothing but the girl you used so you wouldn't make yourself look bad. I'm sorry to myself that I could even think I meant more to you." With that, I walk away before the tears that have welled up in my eyes can fall down my face. I don't have to look back even once to know Wesley Rivers is standing there, jaw dropped.

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