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Emilys hollow screams ripped through the Rez, gut wrenching and ear piercing as Jacobs bare feet pounded the soil, his hands ripping branches from trees in a desperate attempt to reach the small woman currently howling bloody murder

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Emilys hollow screams ripped through the Rez, gut wrenching and ear piercing as Jacobs bare feet pounded the soil, his hands ripping branches from trees in a desperate attempt to reach the small woman currently howling bloody murder.  He'd been by the water, contemplating, thinking when he heard the petrified cry for help, it took all of half a minute for him to realize it was Emily which by default meant it was Sam.

By the time he reached the Uley household he was almost the last of the pack to arrive, Paul and Jared were crouched by her side attempting to sooth her as she writhed on the ground in pain. Quill and Embry were beside Billy shouting over each other and Leah and Seth had arrived at about the same time as he did, the Elders were scattered amongst the chaos, eyes closed and focusing on something Jacob couldn't quite see.

"Sam! It's Sam! Someone please.. please! Help him! Find him! I.. oh god.." Emily cried, her hands clutching her stomach as she moaned in pain.

The imprint.

Every ounce of pain that Sam Uley was currently feeling was being played out right in front of them in his imprint, the only difference was Sams tolerance was much higher while Emily was small and possessed none of the wolf blood that was clearly keeping Sam going.

Billy spoke up from his place on the front porch.

"He's in the woods, you'll have to go find him, take the entire pack, whatever is out there.. whatever's doing this to him.. I want you all to be as careful as you can.. the danger that lurks.."

Jacob reached to pull his shirt from his body to phase before Seth ran in front of him

"Wait!" He called "look there.. I smell him! That's Sam!"

A shadowy figure came forward from the trees, far too small to be Sam but Seth was right Jacob could smell Sam too.

"Stop right there." Jacob barked "don't move." Embry and Quill had already phased and Jacob vaguely registered them growling from behind him.

A tiny blood spattered hand reached out from the row of pine trees

"I have.." it was a female and her voice was shaking "I have your friend.. I found your friend. You need to help him... please."

Sure enough a beaten and bloody Sam was gently pushed from within the shadow of the woods by the tiny woman.

"They were.. they were going to eat him, I saw them..I just.. I can go."

"No! No please!" Emily sobbed, still weak but regaining her Strength as Leah helped her stand. Paul rushed to Sams side and hoisted him over the shoulder and into the house followed by the elders as they rushed to heal him. "Come inside! Please please come inside!"

"I.. I can't." The fragile voice whispered.

Seth, who had been slowly making his way towards the woman in the woods, reached a hand out towards her before turning back to the pack
"She's hurt. She's bleeding" He whispered.

"I'm okay.. I'm.. I'm okay." She spoke a bit louder now, more determined. Jacob could practically hear the fire and strong will in her tone.

"Darling, we have a nurse. We would all feel better if you came inside, let us take a look at you. Please." Billy wheeled himself beside Jacob.

There was a moment of hesitation, she didn't move from her spot hidden amongst the trees. Finally though,after what felt like hours she emerged from the woods.

And when she did.

Jacob Blacks world completely stopped.

His head went blurry and he stumbled backwards, light filtering through his eyes as the bloody brunette with the big brown eyes became the only thing he could see. She was beautiful and small and brave and she was his, all his. No one could take her away from him, she would never want for anything and she would be safe at all times. He wanted to scoop her up   And hold her to his chest, never let go, take away the fear and pain in her eyes.


He had just imprinted on the one girl who had saved the Alpha of his pack.

Well damn.

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