Chapter 4

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The absolute terror that struck me right then and there was probably unnecessary. After all, we didn't know what the cops wanted and there was no way for them to know I was there. Right?

I looked at Alex, but the woman was staring into the hallway, her eyes unfocused as if her own thoughts were all she could see. Finally she turned to me, and I found her eyes soothing. She looked calm, which wasn't unusual for her, but I had been around her enough to know that despite the fact that she always looked stoic, right now she looked less stoic than her usual stoic—and that meant she was probably a little nervous.

"Hide," she whispered to me, before tying her long blonde hair up into a messy pony-tail, straightening out her oversized blouse, and taking a deep breath before marching down the stairs and over to her front door.

I hid in her closet. Normally I'd find such a symbolic situation funny but I was too afraid that I was about to get Alex in trouble and then get myself caught. It was probably not the best time to notice how good all of her clothes smelled either, and I realized the longer I was in her presence the creepier I got.

I could just barely hear the hum of the conversation going on downstairs.

"Good day ma'am. May we come in?"

"Do you have a warrant?"

"Well, no."

"Then no, you cannot come in."

I mentally cheered her on. I could just picture her in my head, leaning her head against the doorframe, peering at the officers like they weren't worth her time (a look I knew well), and her shirt hanging open at juuuust the right angle.

"Have you seen this girl? We've been looking around the surrounding neighborhoods, going from door-to-door. Her father is very worried, you see."

"I just read about that in the paper... but no, I haven't seen her."

"Are you sure? We just came from your neighbor's house and Mrs. Duncan told us she saw you carrying in a young girl resembling—"

"Mrs. Duncan's eyes aren't what they used to be. I'm sorry but I'm not the Harriet Tubman of runaway teenagers, so you'll be better off looking elsewhere."

"And you're sure we can't come in?"

I heard a thump and then silence, and knew that they had done something to intimidate her. Maybe they put a forceful hand on the door? The very thought set a fire in my chest and I wanted to march down there and tell them to back off. But I knew from my past observations that Alex could handle most things without a smidgen of effort.

"I am quite sure. Now get off of my property," she growled, before I heard the door close.

I stayed where I was and held my breath.

Eventually I heard footsteps coming up the stairs again and I poked my head out of the closet. Alex walked in, paused, looked at me, and arched a brow.

"Why do I feel like there's some symbolism behind your hideout of choice?"

Ignoring that, I stepped out and ran my hand through my dark hair. "How'd it go?"

The blonde stretched her arms and then cracked her neck before setting her blue gaze on me once again, sending a feeling of pure electricity through my body as it often did. "They seemed pretty interested in searching my place."

My stomach dropped. "You think they'll come back with a warrant?"

She shook her head. "Nah, they don't have enough of a reason to. Although I'm surprised Mrs. Duncan, my neighbor, was even awake when we got home last night... she's old and passes out in front of her TV by nine."

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