Time Off [ch.6]

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I soon arrived back "home" after the trial ended.

I felt bleak as fuck.

But why? Shouldn't I be happy? I killed them all, that was my job ; nothing more.

Didn't feel celebrating, didn't like the round. Didn't go as planned.

Didn't have a plan.

I looked around me. I stood in the living room of the cabin where every killer lived.

I saw Joey and Susie sitting on the couch, they were playing the card game for kids "Uno"

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I saw Joey and Susie sitting on the couch, they were playing the card game for kids "Uno".

"You practicing your colors?" I asked in a snarky manner.

They both turned to face me a little annoyed.

"How'd yer trial go?" Susie asked me. 

"Oh you know how it goes already Susie, we Legion get 4k's every time!!" Joey shouted triumphantly. 

Wraith was in the corner groaning and put a finger to his temple. He was trying to read a book by some smart dude that I didn't care to look up. I grimaced a little when I saw him.. maybe a little guilty I used him as a diversion? Whatever.

"Like Joey said, I killed them all" I answered her finally, though exasperatedly.

"Hell yeah!" Joey and Susie both raised their fist in the air like champions.

I chuckled, finally something to take my mind off for a sec.

"But Susie you do owe me your Time Life mag of Top 10 Notorious Killers" Joey said breaking the little bit of happiness just then. "Gotta do my studying".

"Oh for-" Susie slammed her cards down, "Fine! Was hoping you'd forget.." . She got up and went to the Door. The "Door" is this some kinda magical door that grants us access to each of our rooms. The thing is, only the person who opens the door can go to their room. For example, If I were to open that door right now, only I could get in, and only I could get out. We can see glimpses though, of other people's rooms when they open it. We like to think that this is the Entity's way of prohibiting us of sexual urges, and give us privacy.

Sometimes you see a killer, sometimes you never see a killer. That killer would be Micheal.  Most of us hang out in the living room playing basic board games and card games. Some of us might use the TV to keep up with current events that went on without us. And some, like Wraith, just read.  We have a kitchen, but we don't need to really eat. Don't feel it. Its just another thing to take the boredom away, I guess.

I whispered to Joey," How much she want ?"

"My frickin' knife bro!!" He said fearfully.

Susie had turned the door handle, went inside the pink covered room and came out with an old magazine that was covered in pink cutesie stickers. She dropped it onto Joey's lap from behind the couch.

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