Chapter 1

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I, Leslie Barbara Knope, have a boyfriend.

His name is Ben.  Benjamin Wyatt.  He is smart.  He is sweet.  He is caring.  He is super handsome.  He has the fluffiest hair.  And he's in Gryffindor, just like me.  I had him take the test even though he hasn't read the books yet. 

Today was our last day in school before summer break officially starts.  I have survived my first year in college.  Ben and I were hanging out in our usual spot.  We've kind of claimed a bench at one of the edges of Freedom Park where we first expressed our feelings for each other.  That was about five months ago.  But it felt like yesterday.  A lot happened then.  But once we started dating, things just fell into place.

At this very moment, Ben's head was on my lap, while I tried to finish a book.  It's hard to concentrate when your boyfriend is tracing letters in your palm that spell out I L O V E Y O U.  I smiled when I figured out what he was writing.  Did I mention that my boyfriend is very sweet?

Ben's phone rang and he sat up to take the call after looking at the caller ID.  I watched him as he talked on the phone.  He was wearing an expensive looking jacket over a plain shirt.  He had on shades because the bright sun called for it.  Summer might be hot, but my boyfriend was blazing.  How did I get so lucky?

He finished the call and flashed a smile my way.  "Guess what?"

"Um, you got the intern summer job at Washington?"

Ben laughed, "I wish. But this is even better."

"Better than that intern summer job?  Wait, did Star Wars announce there would be another movie coming out?"

"Don't even joke about that." Ben said, shaking his head, "my brother is getting married!" He finally announced excitedly.

"What?" I was shocked to hear this.  "Henry?  Our Henry is getting married? To whom?"

"Ok, first of all, it scares me when you call him 'Our Henry'." Ben took his shades off to give me a puppy-eyed glance.

I laughed at his fake jealousy, "Shut up, you know I love him like a brother."  I hit him softly with my book.  "Tell me who he's marrying!"

"Ok, I don't think you've met her, but she's like a high school sweetheart or something.  They met again recently and just rekindled their romance."

"Oh, my God, that is just the sweetest thing!" I met Henry when he managed an annual event for our school.  And I immediately loved him, mostly because he reminded me of Ben.

"It's happening in a few weeks, really sudden, I'm not sure about the details why, but he wants me to invite you."

"Oh, well, I'd love to go!"  I said, "Where? I'll be there."

Ben hesitated for a second, "He's planning to get married in Partridge, since they both grew up there.  And I thought, maybe you'd like to spend a few weeks in my hometown, with me, before the wedding."

The logistics of this trip was running through my mind.  I'd have to pay for tickets, a place to stay and meet all his family.  I get along well enough with Ben's siblings, but his mother was a tough cookie.  And I haven't even met his dad yet.  His parents got divorced when he was young.

"I'll pay for your tickets and I have a condo that you could stay at." Ben said quietly.  We had always avoided talks about money because it was one of the sore points from when we had first met.  The fact that he knew exactly what I was thinking about just made me realize how well he knew me.

"I'll pay you back, of course." I offered.  I still felt funny whenever he insisted on paying for stuff.  Because my boyfriend's family is very wealthy, and he can basically afford everything.  But it I didn't want him to think that his money mattered to me, and I know he doesn't think that at all, but still.  I wasn't a hundred percent comfortable with it.

Ben shook his head, "It's my brother's wedding and you're a guest, I'm paying for this one, Leslie."

I didn't want to dwell on this though, because I was excited to see Henry again and meet his fiancé.  "Okay, okay." I gave him a wide grin, "Oh, my God, I'm so excited!"

His face lights up like it does when he gets another idea, "You know what.  You should invite Ann and April.  I bet I can get Andy and Chris to come too."

"Yes! That is a wonderful idea!" Meeting Ben's family would definitely be easier if I had my girls with me.  "Okay, you go find Chris and Andy and confirm if they can go.  Then let me know if they'll go, so I can easily convince April and Ann to come.  Then once we have their confirmation, we can meet up in your apartment and start booking tickets and start planning for the trip."

Ben sat there staring at me with a goofy smile.


"I love it when you take charge." He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss.

"Stop distracting me, Wyatt.  Now go and find your friends." I stood up and pulled him up with me.  He was so close to me that on impulse, I tiptoed and gave him a deep kiss.  His hands instinctively circle my waist and I hold on to his shoulders for support.  Kissing Ben was the highlight of my days.

Ben's laughter rang in my ears as we pulled apart, "Now, who is distracting who again?"

"Shut up." I teased him as I turned to run towards my dorm room.  I looked back to see him still standing and staring at me, "Go!" I yelled at him.   He winked at me before he put his shades back on.  God, why did he have to be so hot.

I couldn't wait to spend summer with him.  This summer is going to be epic!

Crazy Rich Wyatts (Parks and Recreation || Ben and Leslie)Where stories live. Discover now