Chapter 2

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"So, this is how it feels like to be rich."  April remarked sarcastically, looking around with wild eyes at the airport VIP lounge.  We were early and boarding wasn't until after a few hours.  Ben and Chris were of course immediately recognized by the airport personnel and they were all escorted to the exclusive waiting area. 

Andy was happily eating the food he had piled on his tiny plate from the buffet area.  Ann and Chris were making out in one corner.  Ever since they'd gotten back together, those two were inseparable.  I was happy for Ann.  She deserved to be with someone that loves her more than I do.  I kept an eye on Chris though.  He hurt Ann once and I wasn't going to let him do that again. 

Ben was on his iPad, scrolling through some website, which I assume was one of his sci-fi forums that he's always visiting.  He was holding my hand and rubbing his thumb in my palm like he often did whenever we were sitting next to each other.  I was making notes on post-it's that I stuck on the pages of my binder.  I have prepared a whole itinerary for us to follow during the trip.  I also printed out some places that we could visit while we were there.  Hopefully, I would be able to drag Ann and April away from the boys so we could have some girl time.

One of the personnel approached us after some time and informed us that our plane was boarding.  I jumped out of my seat and roused the rest of the gang.  They were moving too slow for my liking and I was trying to get them all to feel more excited about this trip.  Sadly, only Ben seemed interested when I was explaining the things to do and places to visit in our itinerary.

I was grabbing my small carry-on bag when Ben told me to leave it.  "What? Why?"

"They'll bring it in the plane for us."

"Oh... But all my stuff is in there."

"Don't worry, Leslie.  They'll take good care of it.  You'll see it once we board."

I hugged my purse tightly, hoping that Ben wouldn't tell me to leave that behind too.  I gave my tiny luggage one last look before I followed behind Ben to the boarding gate.  We were greeted with smiles everywhere and I wondered if it was because they recognized Ben and Chris.

I kept walking past the First-Class area, towards the economy section when I felt Ben's hand on my arm stop me.

"Uh, Leslie.  We've been upgraded to First-Class." Ben looked sheepishly at me.  Why was he just telling me now?

"Oh, when did that happen?"  I didn't want to sound ungrateful, but I wish he had told me earlier.  Not that knowing earlier would have made a difference, but it felt like he tried to hide it from me.

"Well, I checked us in, and I saw that it was being offered.  I didn't think it was a big deal."

It wasn't a big deal.  I shouldn't make a big deal out of it.  My boyfriend was rich and if he wanted to spend money on us, then I should be ok with that, right?  I wish I was more chill about this.  But it was settling in the bottom of my stomach and it was starting to curdle.  I really didn't feel comfortable whenever Ben spent money on us.  It was such a touchy subject and I don't know why I can't let it go.  I decided not to make a big deal out of it.

"No, it's fine.  Thank you for the upgrade."

"Yeah, of course.  I mean, I usually take First Class, so I figured I'd upgrade us all." 

I could see Andy and April fighting over the window seat.  They were in the seats opposite ours.  I got into the window seat and Ben sat next to me.  The space was so big that you could fit three of me in one chair.  I was sitting at the comfiest cushion I have ever sat on.  It was even softer than the couch in Ben's apartment.  I started to blush at the thought of his couch, we had some heavy make out sessions in it and the memories were flashing before my eyes.  I steered my mind back to the upgraded luxury that we were experiencing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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