Previusly in Escape the night. 9 guests are invited to come embark in a dangerous mission.
"Welcome to the carnival! "The creepy cheeky clown said. "We've got a snake woman, strong man, dolls with knife, is like a bloody Christmas everyday!"The clown yells at the group. "Wait can I write about that clown?"Bailey said.
Confession Room
"Omg this is so cuute!"Violet said.
"Nothing seems to be wrong.."Natalie said.
End of Confession Room
"This town doesn't need saving at- Oh My GOODNESS!" Ellie said looking at a woman who had a spider in her mouth. "That's how Billie Eilish got her inspiration.."
"There's free food over here!"Zeke said pointing to popcorn. Everyone gets settled down. "Who wants to go to the rides?" Bailey asks, Zeke goes with her to the Ferris Wheel.
The two got comfy to find a Newspaper, "The Clowns Here Kill" Bailey reads the head-line.
Confession Room
"Isn't that the clown who greeted us in here, we are not having fun. Then the ride stops! We are stuck!"Bailey says frowning.
"Our friends can't hear us, we almost fall of the seat of the Ferris Wheel, this is a catasthropy!"Zeke annaunces.
End of Confession Room.
"You guys are okay!?" Samantha yells from down. "DON'T TRUST THE CLOWNS!"Bailey yelled.
"What?"Violet asks."I have a fun game for you!"The creepy cheeky clown says to Natalie.
Confession Room
"If that clown thinks I'm going to take her game, no hon"Natalie says.
"I'll take the game gladly!" Ellie says.
End Of Confession Room
"I'll take it."Ellie said, she threw a ball at the bottles and all the cups fell, the cheeky clown cheers and then hands Ellie a box. "Be careful! Don't open it just yet!"The clown laughs, all the group(minus Bailey and Zeke) gather around Natalie and Ellie.
Then suddenly, a women comes in the announcements. The women seemed to be the mom of Mortimer.
Then suddenly a woman comes to them. "Where did you get that?"The woman asked. "It's a carnival prize"Ellie responds.
"That's one of the Carnival master's artifacts!"The woman yells. "That's just an innocent carnival prize"The women with the Megaphone said. "Yeah I got it as a prize, should I open it?"Natalie asks. "No look at her face!"Lilliana said looking at the woman. The women was dressed in black. "Open it!"
Confession Room
"Tthere's people saying open it, and others saying don't. I'm opening it!"Natalie said
End Of Confession Room.
When Natalie opens it,There was a jack in the box with a knife in it's head. There were screams, "Look it was defen-"The women on the megaphone was attacked and thrown to the ground by clowns. Everyone screams and runs out to the Arcade. But not everyone made it,Lilliana, Violet and Christine get taken by the clowns.
"I tried to warn them!"Bailey sighs. "They got Violet! They got Violet!"Zeke yells."This is terrible"
"What do we do?"Violet asks, "I don't know but, there is number circled here!"Christine said.
"Should we throw something?"Zeke asks, "I mean, yeah."Bailey said, Zeke takes his hat off and throws it to the clowns. "LET THEM DOWN!"The head clown said, and suddenly the ride starts going down, "Were doomed" Bailey confesses, as they get down, a clown is waiting for them. "Ah is a struggle getting out of here."Zeke claims, but the complaining worked, The girl that was supposed to be crazy came and hit the clown. "A thank you!"Bailey says. They go to a nearby tent, "OMG Thank you some much!"Bailey said hugging the women.
"I've got numbers!"Lilliana says, "How many?"Violet asks, "4"Replied Lilliana", "What numbers are you talking about?"Chritine asks. "You need a key!"Lilliana annaunces.
Confession Room
"So there is a calendar with numbers circled, that's weird, but useful, but weird"Lilliana said
"There is a magazine that has numbers circled"Violet said to the camara
End of Confession Room
"tHERES SOMETHING ON TOP!"Christine annaunces. "What is it?" Violet asks."Here!"Christine said passing the letter to Lilliana. "Lock 1:October Soda Smoke!"Lilliana reads, "There's soda right here!"Violet said, "Yeah there is 6!"Christine said. "There's cigarrets here! There are seven!"Christine yells, Each Lilliana and Violet try the numbers in the lock. "It's not working!"Llilliana frowns, "It worked!"Violet said standing up to reveal she is unlocked. "Milk, Life, Delicates!"Violet reads. "Open the fridge!"Lilliana said to Violet, Violet opened the fridge and said "3 Milks!".
"Life is this magazine!"Lilliana said."Delicates, maybe it is...Panties?"Violet asks as the three girls nod. "There is panties over here!", "How many?" "5"!
Lilliana tries, 3 17 5. it wors and then they save Christine and make a plan to get out of the RV.
(Skipping to the challenge im srry cant write that much...If you want I can make it up to you guys by making another story)
"The Novelist" Calliope says showing the card, Violet gasps, not able to know why they would vte her, "And The Gymnast."Calliope said, Ellie asps, "Choose partners" Bailey said. "Umm well I choose Coral."Violet says. "I choose Bailey!"Eliie says.
"Follow me"Mortimer says, They get to the challenge, the first thi they have to do is guessing. "This one?"Bailey asks, she gets it right and moves on, Next stage is Hot Dogs. "This one?"Coreal says, she also gets it right and moves on. When Bailey finishes with the Hot Dogs, She has to throw the ball in the bottles and knock them out,then she finishes and changes the Head. "WE HAVE A WINNER! AND BETTER YET, A LOSER!" The head clown says and sticks a knife in Violet, soon enough she dies, all the clowns vanish when Bailey restored the head. Now they came back "So.... Violet is dead?"Zeke asks, "Yeah...."Coral says, clearly defeated.
"So we have an artifact."Lilliana says trying to cheer the mood up. "Yeah."Zeke agrees.