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"Momma? Momma wake up! Shane had a bad dream and he's crying, come on momma!" Said little Tina trying to wake her mom up. Seeing that her mom didn't wake up she took the matter into her own hands and went to comfort her little brother.

"Shhh... don't cry Shaney, I won't let the monster hurt you!" Said the girl while wiping her brother's tears away despite being scared herself.

"Promise sis?" Asked the tiny boy with teary eyes.

"Promise, little bro" Said the girl with brave eyes. She won't let absolutely anything or anyone hurt her little brother.

"Come on, you can sleep with me tonight little bro" said Tina, making room for her brother to climb in her bed.

"Really? Thank you big sis!" Said the little boy beaming at his sister while he climbed into her bed.

"Okay, let's go to sleep Shane, it's late"

"Okay, big sis! Good night! "

"Good night, lil bro! "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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