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Warning: Blood and mild violence mentioned

Fear filled the air, screams could be heard everywhere. The smell of burnt flesh replaced that of the roses which grew in the fields. Dead bodies decorated the market square, as houses with their inhabitants were consumed in flames.
He held onto his arm which hung freely, swaying lazily. Bodies parts and splattered blood stained the ground, and he was covered in blood from head to toe. Tears falling from his eyes, he fell on his knees and screamed his heart out trying to express all  the pain he felt at that  very moment.

Yoongi woke up panting covered in sweat,  taking short breaths trying to calm down. He glanced around seeing the small sun rays entering his bedroom through the closed curtains. He took his phone from the night stand looking at the time.

He sighed heavily, "Why did I have that memory?", he said passing his fingers through his black locks as he got out of bed.

He went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, changed into a white tee and grey sweatpants and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Namjoon was back hugging Jin, while he was placing three plates of food on the table. Namjoon tracing the exposed skin from Jin's oversized sweater with his fangs, enjoying the warmth of his husband.

"Hey you horny vampires get away from my food", the married couple both looked towards the source of the voice it being Yoongi.

Jin arched an eyebrow, "While good morning to you too wolfy", Yoongi just walked by the couple and took place at the table.

Jin and Namjoon  sat down as well, both sitting next to each other.

The three young men all now eating in a comfortable silence.

"Yoongi." He looked up from his food towards Namjoon who had just called him. "I am still really happy you accepted to come live with us. I was really starting to  think you would stay in your pack's house forever." He ended his sentence with a slight chuckle.

"As much as I liked staying with my fellow wolves, I was in need of something new. I have been there for the last two years, I didn't feel like staying there anymore. I've always prefer being with you guys" Yoongi shrugged taking a bite of his food humming at the good taste.

Namjoon and Jin were both vampires which had been married for almost a century and Yoongi was a wolf which due to certain circumstances became acquaintances with the couple mostly Jin.

"I am so happy you finally accepted to work with Namjoon at the wine lounge." Jin said , "thanks to your little nose;" Jin wiggled his brows as he continued "those humans won't be able to sell somebody contrafeit wine again."

" Jin it was just one time and you got your revenge, you need to seriously let it go." Namjoon whined slightly shakig his head in disbelief.

Yoongi looked at them slightly confused, "What happened?". "Jin made that  hacker friend of his , what was her name again?"


" Yeah so he made her freeze all of the dude's personal  business accounts. basically-". Jin then interjected, "For my defense, Namjoon asked for a refund and he refused to give it back saying  the transaction was over. " He then continued using his fork to emphasize his words, "  so if  Joonie couldn't have my money then nobody could. It's not like if its my fault the business closed down two weeks after."

"Jin you deprived a business, of the sole thing  making it run,money." Namjoon groaned palming his face at his husband's antics


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