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Chapter 2

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I hold my breath, mentally saying a prayer that Kelis doesn't follow us into the kitchen as we approach a guy standing at the island. I've seen him around before, possibly at a Delta party. I'm almost positive my ex best friend Tara dated him at one point, she was a lot like me so it was hard to keep up. He's tall and broad with flawless light brown skin, short black curly hair, and hazel eyes.

"Hey, man, this is Brynn. Brynn, this is Brandon." Taylor introduces us as he grabs a cup and pours us each a beer from the keg.

"Brynn Everson, right?" Brandon asks and my stomach sinks a little that he knows my name.

"Yes." I reply and take the beer from Taylor. "Thanks." I mutter and take a swig, preparing myself for what Brandon will say next.

"Pretty sure you were friends with Tara Hayden when I dated her." He says, confirming my suspicions.

I nod. "I thought you looked familiar."

Taylor smiles at me over the rim of his cup and I bite my lip, unable to look away. His blue eyes fixate on something over my shoulder and a wave of unreadable emotions wash over his face. "Hey, Kelis."

I freeze. Here we go.

I move closer to him before turning around and meeting her harsh gaze. She looks beautiful, but she always has. Both her and Nixon's features are almost eerily perfect, like they were finely crafted by a world renowned artist and the artist took their time on each and every detail. She's wearing a tight, baby blue dress that fits her body like a glove and a pair of nude louboutins. She tosses her long brown hair over her shoulder with the flick of her hand and narrows her smoky eyes at me. Kelis and I were never close but I was friends with her little sister Knox, we both cheered in high school.

Her sapphire eyes go to Taylor. "Hey, Taylor, I wouldn't have pegged you as the type that would be attracted to trash." Her words are harsh, they hit me right in the chest leaving an ache behind.

She juts her chin out and looks down her nose at me like I'm beneath her, a look I onced used often.

"What is wrong with you?" Taylor snaps.

She shakes her head. "There's nothing wrong with me, just figured I'd warn you about Brynn's problem. She can't seem to keep her legs closed."

I mash my lips together, my eyes glued to the ground. This was a bad idea. I wish I had never come out. I could be rocking my baby to sleep right now, instead I'm being talked down to by another woman. I'll never get away from my past, I knew someone would bring it up.

I see Taylor shrug out of the corner of my eye and to my surprise he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me against his warm, muscular body. "Why do you care what she does?"

I don't normally need someone to take up for me and I've never been one to lose my back bone when someone wanted to run their mouth at me, but I honestly deserve every insult she throws at me. I carry guilt everywhere I go for the things I did in my past, especially the ones that affected Kelis. If she were any other girl and this were another situation I'd let my inner bitch out and put her in her place but she isn't and I put myself in this situation.

She shrugs. "I don't, I just wanted to warn you. Despite the shit with your sister, you're a decent guy and you should know what you're dealing with. Brynn likes to get around, I didn't want her leading you on or anything."

How thoughtful, I mentally roll my eyes at her innocent act.

Taylors arm tightens around me. "Well thanks for the warning but it's completely unnecessary."

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