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  • Dedicated to Fuyumi Ono

Prolouge - A Ghost hunt Fan-fiction. One Shot (?)


A fanfic from Ghost Hunt, I do not own Ghost Hunt, nor the characters, they all belong to Fuyumi Ono Sensei. The story I tell here about Naru and Mai is my own invention, and it is not purported or believed to be part of Fuyumi Ono's story canon. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of Her official story line. I do not prophet from this story - Other than the wonderful comments and votes from fans of it- I am grateful to Ms. Fuyumi for her wonderful stories, - Thank you Fuyumi Sensei!! - for without her Manga and Anime, my story would not exist. I only own Sen-san... because he's smexy ;3 Moko-chan because she loves vanilla ;) and Kurumi Outou because well, he's mean and a slave-driver XD

May contain OOC-ness. (Allot... ^.^)

---- Mai

It's been five years from the day Lin-san and Naru-chan left with Gene-sama's body, I was hopeful they might return and I shared many a call with Lin-san, although, those calls stopped four years ago - I even remember what Lin-san ended with that day - he said: 'I am very sorry for what I must do now... Oli-- Who is on the phone Lin?' I heard quiet whispering and the line cut, my first thought was 'Lin-san is probably busy, he'll call later' until 'later' never came, I would have try'ed him back, although, I never saved his number and I didn't know the time difference between Japan and England, I found out one day, though I forgot because I didn't have his number, I looked up Naru-chan, I didn't want to call him though. Naru-chan probably forgot me, I wouldn't blame him, I'm a boring idiot to him, all he ever did when we talked was explain things I didn't understand, that doesn't mean I didn't love him, his older brother may have been the smiling and kind one in my dreams, although, I had absolutely no clue that wasn't Naru-chan... I just wanted him to smile.

What they don't know, is that all through the rest of high school and throughout collage, I studied and worked hard, very hard. I excelled in my spiritual powers and learned many things, the things Naru-chan didn't tell me. The things he never allowed me to know.

"Ah, welcome, Mai-chan." Said my boss at the Psychic Research center I now work at; SPR, yes, there is now a Shibuya Psychic Research, I helped my boss create it, and he - Shinseki Sen - told me that one day, I would inherent the business. I was unsure of this, although I do trust Sen-san, with my life. Sen-san is a lot like Lin-san, except for the blonde hair and spiky persona - he only chooses to show around certain trust-worthy people. His body is slender and masculine, his clothing style is lied-back like Bou-san's. "The office got a call not too long before you arrived today, Mai-chan... In England." I nodded nonchalantly. Sen-san knew about most of the story, except for the fact that Naru-chan went home with his Nii-chan's body - I saw that as trespassing Naru-chan's personal life.

"Yes Sen-san. how long are we to be there aproxamintly?" I asked with a small smile, fighting off the fear of even maybe, seeing Naru-chan and Lin-san again.

I'm scared.

"Up to a year, the circumstances of this case are unbelievable! The home owner said they have had fifteen sightings in attic and basement, the children - of whom I have spoken to - feel the fault lie with the owner, the remnant of clothing and furniture is left in the home belongs to the renters, 'they left in a hurry' is the only explanation the home owner gave. He also said they have day fifteen renters leave because of it." Said Sen-san sighing.

"Okay, that's fine, when do we leave?"

"You're okay with this? Really?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? it's my job. When do we leave?" I repeated with a slight scowl.

"Mai-chan, if you're uncomfortable, I can ask Moko-chan-"

"No," I interrupted. "Moko-chan has been through enough." I sighed and went to make Sen-san and I some earl-grey tea.

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