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(The point of view switches but it starts with Angela and is about 10 years after the last one so Fareeha is 40 and Angela is 45)
After a long time of fighting in wars, it was time for me to give it a rest. I was working in a bunch of local hospitals, and was often called in to do emergency surgeries. She made good pay, but that wasn't what mattered any more. I really was just happy to be helping more people.

Fareeha and I were still very much in love, though today she was off training new recruits. After becoming a legend worldwide, Fareeha decided to train some of the upcoming Overwatch members. She would still go out into the battlefield for important missions, but normally she was just trying to help out some new recruits or she was doing things in the community. Everything was just going so well, and I feel I have to give a lot of credit to Fareeha. She made everything about my life so fun and lovely. And look where we are now.

(Fareeha's point of view)
"Captain Amari! Could I get an autograph?" One of my recruits younger siblings ran up to me as I let them go. We had a new training program, they would stay for 2 weeks than go home for a day and come back. Every 4 weeks I could choose to get rid of someone who I felt wasn't ready, but fortunately enough I only had to do that to 2 people so far. I happily signed the poster that the little boy handed me, and he started jumping back and forth on both feet out of excitement. Aww he's so cute. I handed his poster back and started my walk back to my place.

Even though Angela wasn't working her anymore, she was still considered a part of our Overwatch family. She would only get called in if we really needed her, but now that Lucio is fully trained he has been taking care of everything. I opened the door to our place and was greeted by an eager Zeus. He was getting pretty old, but he was still up and kicking.

"Hi Faree!" Angela screamed from the kitchen, I don't know what she was baking but it smelled wonderful.

"Hi Angel, whatya makin?"

"Cupcakes" she responded with a smile. I could fall in love with her all over again just by looking at that smile.

I came over and kissed her on the head and went to go sit at the table so I could chat with her. Even after being here at Overwatch for 14 years, I wouldn't leave for the world.

*I know that was a short epilogue but I feel I said what I had to say. I hope you enjoyed the story feel free to comment or request another story idea! I can't believe even 20 people have read this, but hope more will! Thank you so much for reading!!!!!
For the final time of the this story -TiredBean*

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