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The store bell jingled with a merry tune as Avion was handing change back to an elderly woman. They looked over to welcome the customer in to the crowded bookstore, and their heart stopped.

The--quite handsome--man had to duck to avoid hitting his head on the door frame, a ghost of a smile playing off his lips. He started down the fiction aisle, out of Avion's view.

"Excuse me, does someone actually work here?" A woman with a short bob glared from in front of the counter. She had two children beside her, and one in her arms. Avion hurried to bag her books and ring her up.

"S-sorry, ma'am. I, uh, didn't see you there." They put her bag down on the counter and collected her money hastily. The woman narrowed her eyes and snatched her bag, making Avion jump.

"Well as a cashier I excpect you to be alert when it comes to customers. Where's your manager, boy?"

Avion ignored the misgendering statement and assumed their customer service act.

"I'm sorry, miss. Our manager is not here at the moment. I sincerely apologize for not paying attention and swear that it will not happen again." Their voice sounded so plastic it might as well have come straight out of a Barbie.

The woman huffed and started storming to the doors, her children, who looked about 7 and 12, trailing behind her like lost puppies.

"Unbelievable. You should be fired for refusing to serve a customer right away. This is blatant racism." She walked out without another word, leaving several witnesses confused and concerned.

"Woah. That...was brutal." The tall man was suddenly in front of the counter, two books in hand. "She does know that she's white, right?" Avion barely managed to get their brain jumpstarted again before words tumbled through their mouth.

"You're pretty. I-I mean...cute. I mean-" They managed to stop their mouth from going off the deep end and recollected their thoughts. "Sorry about that. Is that all for you today?" The man smiled, showing dimples at either end of his mouth.

"I think it is. Unless, you had more to say?" Avion blushed a deep red, wishing they could hide their face behind the wood counter in front of them.

"Nope!" They squeaked. "I, uh...I hope I'll see you around often." The boy was halfway out the door when he turned around and called,

"That makes two of us, Av-eye-on."

Avion started to call out the correct pronunciation of their name, but he wouldn't have heard. They looked down at the tip on the counter and realized that the man had left a square piece of paper along with the crumpled bill.

'You're cute too. Let's talk. Snap me @ 1015198_122113919' 

Avion stuffed the paper into their pocket and turned to help the next customer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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