cinema sinnamon rolls//endgame

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*inhales deeply* sooooo.... endgame.

i've found a lot of ppl are not that passionate abt this movie,, like "it was alright time to wait for the next one" it felt like no one rlly had any strong opinions on it,, but knowing me i have a strong opinion on everything. whether i fucking hate it,, or absolutely adore it i'm gonna talk abt it. sooo...that's what i'm gonna do.....

don't get me wrong avengers endgame was a good movie,, i thoroughly enjoyed watching it at the theatre. picture this.....i was sitting there watching this beautiful masterpiece,, laughing occasionally and stopping to cry at major character deaths,, when suddenly the worse fucking thing happens,, which makes me sob like a baby and scream in the movie theatre bathroom. ya'll i cANNOT stress how devastated i was.....during......the ending scene. now to get this out of the way,, i've never rlly liked tony stark,, don't get me wrong i still cried when he died but i've never rlly favored his personality serious yet....not. idk it just comes across as kinda rude. ANYWAYS i was watching his funeral play out,, letting a few tears slip when all of a sudden the unimaginable happens. one of my all time favs, steve fUCkInG rogers is forever. no not dead he CHOSE to go. no not suicide,, he was selfish enough to choose his happiness over others and travel back in time to be with peggy.-_-

ARE U SERIOUS ?? the russo brothers fucked this one up so hard. first of all this is SO out of character for cap. what happened to "i'm with you till of the line,, pal"....well except for now :))). like wtf ?? his care for bucky and sam in the past shows he wouldn't just leave them,, without warning ?? number 2- by doing this he is also taking away peggy's children and husband,, seeing as in the past movies she was happy. she was in a good marriage with lovely children,, and steve had to ruin that for her.......ok 😳😳..... number 3- this is what annoys me moST. instead of rightfully letting bucky be the next captain america,, bc he's been his best friend since like forever and he's a great fighter and strong person,, no he has sam be the next captain america. like,, bItCH whAT tHE fUCK- i- what-
idk it just bothers me that he could at least give it to bucky boi. number 4- .....


gn ✨✨

{DISCLAIMER}~~i haven't watched the movie in a while so i'm sorry if i got anything wrong lol....💕💕🥺🥺

edit// take a shot every time i say 'don't get me wrong' lol.


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