The story

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Mary lived with her Mother and father, every day was a good day she thought, she always carried a smile and her white dresses always made her seem like the purest girl of all, but she knew the facade was there, that she lies to everyone, now why would she think that?

That beautiful blonde haired girl, the perfect blue eyes with green mixed in, her smile carried over the streets as everyone who saw her would carry a smile all day long, but why was this?

The girl smiled only at day, but she stood outside of her home every day after school, she was a good girl, no one bullied her, but her parents were worried about her, for everyday she stood for tens of minutes outside of their gate, staring at the house looking from room to room, her eyes seemed so dark in those moments, as if life had abandoned her very soul, as if she had nothing to live for, she then almost nearing an hour of time every day started to move, her hands unlocking the gate, and she would enter.

She grew up in this home, and she used to smile, but after this started happening, the first few times her parents opened the gate for her, and she just stood there, sometimes they tried to drag her inside, but she'd hold her ground not moving until she wanted, as if she was truly reluctant to enter; the young girl would always afterwards when in the home put on a smile to keep her parents happy, but her parents saw her eyes, they were filled with terror.

But when it turned night, she never left her room even for dinner or tea, even while she loved it, she would never open the door, and her parents were forbidden to enter, she made this very clear once her father had one time entered and renewed her light bulb which seemed to flicker, in reality, the light bulb was fine, it was the energy that it was lacking, as if the electricity kept being syphened away, but in reality, there was something darker in their home then they realized.

Mary sat every night on the same carpet floor, rocking back and forth, talking to herself, or was there someone with her, the lock on her room had a cover on it, and her parent's respected her, so they did not look, sometimes in the middle of the night they heard the girls' music box playing, they wondered why the happy tunes sounded so scary, as if the joy had been taken from it, the tunes turned darker and deeper every night, and sometimes, they could see shadows dancing at their door, but what truly terrified them, was that today, their little girl's voice sounded slightly distorted at night when she knocked on the door.

"Mother... father... let me in daddy. Let me in... LET ME IN DADDY! LET ME IN!" at the time she started to scream she was scratching the door, and she sounded like she was crying and laughing.Then they heard something else, every word she spoke, repeated in the background, by a deep man's voice, something demonic, they feared for their life, but the father said "She is our little girl. We need to help her." 

Just when he was about to open the door he looked at the ground when he was nearly standing right in front of it, he saw something pulling at his feet, it felt thick and sticky, but it looked dark, a crimson color; he knew what it was, it was blood. "Mary?! Mary are you okay?!" he was scared for his daughters life and started thumbling with the lock and key. His wife looked at him and was scared she sat up and got out of bed and asked. 

 "D-darling what is wrong?" She looked at him and saw the pool of blood, her eyes widened. "She is cutting herself Annebelle!" They kept hearing the sound of stabbing and cutting of flesh, the man opened the door slowly, his daughter was nowhere to be seen, and they heard her door close and lock, they tried to run out but the man stood on something cold, flesh like and Fur..? He looked down and saw their dog, a German Shepard who would have tried to protect them if someone different would enter the home, but why did he not bark before he... then the parents saw it, the dog was cut into pieces and had its bowels cut out of it.

They rushed to the door of their daughter and the father tried to kick in the door. "Gerald what are you doing?!" then they heard their daughter crying and a demon laughing. The father kicked in the door, but they were shocked to see something different then they realized, in the dark room there was a fog and a cold air, when they looked around they stood baffled at the door that was supposed to connect to her bathroom there was an opening to a forest, when they entered they looked around, they heard laughing in creepy voices and the voices were singing a song.

"Little girls, little girls, so nice and tall so nice and tall, clean and pure, clean and pure, we will take, we will take, your family away, with your swaying body in the gallow way."

Then they came upon a sight so horrific they collapsed and cried, there was their baby girl, strung up with her arms wide and legs crossed into a sickening display, her legs were twisted into a drill like motion and burned together, her chest was bare and the skin was removed, her eyes were gauged out and her fingers removed, she hanged there from a gallow, but then they looked at her head, which was covered by something, and then they realized it, it was the head of their female dog, the Sheppard, she was turned into a bitch, as they tried to take her down, they realized someone was out in the woods when they took down her body, the father realized the head had been sown onto hers, and she had no heartbeat.

They ran home with their baby girl, after they closed the bathroom door, they opened it and it was the normal bathroom, they decided to bury her, in the middle of the night in the dark, in their back yard, that morning, they fell asleep, but the following night they woke up to a strange sound, a scratching at the back of the house, when they looked outside the door, they saw their daughter standing there, scratching the door, barking and panting like a dog, the head moving its tongue as if it was hers, as if it was her talking and barking.

then, they heard a sound faintly, coming from her room, a squeaking door and, a music box, the one that sounded so creepily before had been playing a normal tune again, when they went to her room they saw their little girl sitting there, normally, a smiling girl, they checked the bathroom door, and nothing was there, when they went to the back door to check they saw the thing standing there in the now open door, and it kicked the mother down the little demonic girl hugged her father and licked his neck before saying.

"Tomorrow, it all starts over, again, again" and with a final deep demonic voice it said. "AND AGAIN." that is when the father passed out.They woke up, and found the music box playing that same dark tune, again and again, never stopping, the two parents hugged each other, crying. when they looked at their foot end they found a note written in their daughters hand."Mother, father, i am sorry, i tried to keep you safe, but they made me kill myself, the voices, i relive this with you at the same time, please, find a way to escape."

This was back in the year 1805, and their house can still be found it looks abandoned, but people say they can still see the parents living their stressful life, every day starting over, seing their daughter turn into a demon, and it all starts over, when the music box sounds its notes.

~ The Story TellerFind me on youtube

Sorry for any wrong words i used a spell checker that auto corrected some stuff into words that it did not know!

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