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Back at HQ, Penfold went to make some jam sandwiches and got a glass of water. Penfold sat down to watch TV and the news came on.
News reporter- Breaking news! The museum has been demolished and is going to be turned into a sports centre, the museum was abandoned and was not very popular. No one was found hurt or dead in the wreckage before building work started, and a portal was found and has been destroyed.
Penfold turned the TV off and felt hurt. "Poor Chief! I will never see him again!" The Colonel called. "Hello Penfold, I heard the news about the museum and the portal being destroyed. I'm sorry to say that I have not been able to contact Danger Mouse, I have tried my best but was no good. I am so sorry." Poor Penfold was very sad and he really wanted to see his Chief again! It was getting late so Penfold got ready for bed and went to sleep.
At Colonel K's office, Colonel K was so sad that he hadn't been able to contact Danger Mouse no matter how hard he tried. "Danger Mouse where are you? We miss you!" Colonel K sobbed and decided to go to bed.

Danger Mouse disappears Where stories live. Discover now