Just the beginning...

16 2 0

My ringtone ripped me out of my sleep as i groaned, rolling over to see it was Tallulah calling before answering.

"Lu, its 2 am"

All tiredness leaving my body when i head the sobs coming through the phone, i was already up and getting dressed.

"Lu? what's wrong babe? Talk to me" The phone was pressed between my shoulder and my ear as i pulled some sweats on and grabbed a jumper from my closest not even bothering to change my pj top.

"he....i was asleep.....I didn't...."

She started crying again, gasping for air through the phone.

"Tallulah, calm down babe, take a deep breath ok? I'll be there in 10. Just breath."

I was already out of my apartment and sliding into my car, and pulling out of the parking space at a speed that was far from legal, only getting faster as i hit the road.

I made the 15 minute trip in half the time, barely locking my car before running up the stairs to rip open the front door calling out to her.

"LU! Lulu where are you?!" I ran through the lounge room, scanning the kitchen, walking down the hall to her bedroom. My heart immediately sank, the door was flung open, the blankets from her bed were thrown across the floor, my eyes fell on the wall behind her bed, where a fist sized hole now resided.

"Lu?" I followed the sound of her quiet sobs and rounded the bed to find her curled up with her legs pulled to her chest, head resting on top of her knees her tiny frame shaking with the strength of her sobs.

I dropped down in front of her reaching my arms out to envelope her into a hug, i tried soothing her the best i could. I rubbed my hands down her back, squeezing her, trying to reassure her that i was there, that she was safe, from whatever the fuck happened.

"Lu, sweetie, I'm here but you got to talk to me. What happened?"

She shook her head against my shoulder, trying to regain her composure.

"It was...Garret" Her voice shook. "I...woke up and..." She hiccuped before continuing "..he was on top of me...n...naked" Her tiny frame shook and deflated even more.

I saw red, my hands stopped rubbing her back and curled into fists. I clenched my jaw.

"I'll murder him" It came out as a hiss more than actual words. I lowered my eyes back her tiny form curled up in my arms. She was shaking, I sighed "Do you want me to call Andy and Jay?" Her head gave a barely noticeable nod, so i loosened my grip on her and got up to grab one of the discarded blankets and wrapped it around her shoulders encouraging her to get up off the floor and slide onto the bed.

I tucked the blanket around her shoulders and whispered that I was going to call the boys and then be back. She didn't answer, just stayed there crying. I squeezed her hand before getting up and walking into to kitchen leaning up against the counter. I let out a breath a didn't realise i was holding. Unclenching my fist before reaching into my pocket and pulling my phone out.

I clicked on Andy's number first putting the phone to my ear, crossing my legs at the ankles and preparing myself for how livid he would be. He answered after a few rings, groaning out a groggy hello.

"Hey Andy, sorry for waking you. It's Tallulah"

I could tell that woke him up, anything for his baby sister.

"What the fuck happened? Is she ok?" i could hear the concern thick in his voice.

I sighed. "Look, i don't know how to tell you....she called me fucking balling and i could barely get a word out of her, so I rushed over, her room was trashed and she was curled up in the corner. Andy.......it was Garret....he....." i sighed again, more in frustration "Fuck Andy...just, get here ok?"

"I'm already in the car, see you in 10." He was pissed.

"Hey, pick up Jay on the way? She asked for him to"

"Of course."

He hung just after and i walked back into the bedroom and climbed onto the bed, laying down next to her, wrapping my arms around her before pulling her into my chest.

"shhhhh, it'll be ok babe. Andy and Jay are on their way. I'm here babe, It's ok." I spent the next 10 minutes whispering pointless words meant to comfort and soothe her, never leaving her side. She never stopped crying. With every passing minute my heart broke a little more and i became more and more enraged.

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