Chapter 14

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Gaspard was tired. He looked longingly at his sleeping team and wished he could join them. Yet he knew that him being the guard while the others recovered was only fair. It was a fact that he contributed the least during Etienne's surgery and was the only one who could still function properly.

He also knew that it was necessary. They were in unknown territory and had reached the conclusion that the dwarves couldn't be trusted. Now that Etienne was out of order they couldn't risk somebody else getting injured lest their team had not enough members to operate appropriately.

Gaspard also wasn't looking forward to the argument that would take place once everybody woke up. He had seen that look in Mathieu's eyes often and understood that his leader had changed his mind about Lina. He considered her now a threat and didn't want her near his team.

While Gaspard himself wasn't sure about Lina's involvement in Etienne's mishap he didn't allege her bad intentions. It was probably just an accident. Or Etienne getting ahead of himself and underestimating the danger.

The whole group knew that Elodie had no sense of danger and Gaspard had to admit that her partner wasn't much better. Maybe their creators had messed with the minds of the E-series too much and they were all like that. He couldn't prove his theory as he was only acquaintanced with two from that series but didn't think it too unlikely.

But Mathieu wouldn't share his thoughts and Gaspard was already formulating phrases to defend his saviour in his mind. His musings were interrupted as the same girl awoke from her slumber. Gaspard glanced at his watch and saw that he hadn't even reached the second half of his shift: „Aren't you up too early? There are around 5 hours left until the others get up"

„How long have I been sleeping?", was asked in a tired voice.

„About 3 hours. You should get some more shuteye to be fit for tomorrow", he advised.

„Nah, I've got to leave", Lina mumbled drunken with sleep.

„What?!", Gaspard was shocked, „Why? You're save here!"

„Pipe down. The others are trying to sleep", yawned Lina, „Me leaving is the easiest solution to this mess. You've seen how your leader reacted and he's defenitely going to blame me. While I don't mind people slandering me, I'm not going to wait until he resorts to more physical means. And don't try to tell me he wouldn't do that; he seems to be the type. Especially now, that one of his precious teammates has gotten hurt"

„While Matthieu can lash out at times he would never do that to people he cares about"

„Exactly. And he doesn't care about me. You guys have known me for like what? One day?"

Gaspard saw how determined his saviour was and tried a different approach: „Even if I were to support your reasoning I can't just let you leave. You need Matthieu's permission first. He's the leader and gets to make the last decision"

„Were you listening to me? I just told you that when he wakes up, he won't be keen on seeing me and you want me to wait for him? I thought you wanted to help me!"

„Yes, I do. I only have your best interest in mind. And I still think that being in our team includes that. You'll see, once he wakes up he'll question you and Etienne and understand that whatever happened wasn't your fault", he tried to placate her.

„What if it was indeed my fault?", Lina asked while looking away.

„Stop joking", Gaspard laughed but received no reply, „Wait, you're not joking?! But why would you- ... I know you're very kind but telling lies like this to make me let you go is not okay. What if one of my teammates overheared you and jumped to conclusions"

„Could you please stop idolozing everthing I do or say? I've got many flaws and am more than capable of making mistakes. It's also not beyond me to cause an accident and then disappear to avoid somebody's wrath. I'm selfish like that. If you'd excuse me now, I've got an exit to find"

„I won't let you leave"

„As if you could stop me", snorted Lina. Then she dusted her clothes off and moved leisurely towards Gaspard and the door. He extended his arms and legs to block the door and, to his relief, the girl stopped.

Staring up at him, she said: „Last chance: Get out of my way or get hurt!"

„Pff, as if you'd do- " He got kneed in the balls. He crumpled to the ground. He was in a world of pain.

„I warned you but I'm no saint and my patience has its limits", Lina shrugged and stepped around him. Taking off into the dark corridor she soon left his sight.

A few minutes later, the pain had mainly subsided and Gaspard managed to stand up again while admiring the force she had put behind that kick. He stared down the corridor wistfully but couldn't go after her. Leaving his post while his team slept and counted on him would be unforgivable.

Sighing, he let his eyes wander around his comrades sleeping forms and starteled as a pair of grey eyes returned his gaze. „Elodie! You're awake?"

„No, I'm still sleeping, blondie", she teased him, „The two of you weren't exactly quiet"

„If you were awake why didn't you help me persuade Lina into staying?", he asked accusingly.

„Why would I stop her? She's her own person and can make effective decisions. If she wants to leave, it's not my place to tell her 'no'", Elodie explained, „And after Etienne's accident I'm also no longer sure if I welcome her into the group. Had Etienne been any less robust, he wouldn't have made it"

„But you know how your partner can be. There's no way he isn't at least partially at fault"

„That's why I said I don't welcome her into our group anymore. Had she really tried to harm Etienne, I'd have killed her myself. So her leaving might be for the best", Elodie declared, „by the way, are you hurt? Should I take a look?"

„No, I'm fine", Gaspard blushed, „but my future offspring might not be"

Elodie laughed: „I see. She got you good,huh? What a pity considering you're one of the prettier ones"

„Pretty?", Gaspard pursed his lips in mock displeasure, „I prefer the term handsome"

„Handsome you are not, my friend, that much I can assure you. Ciel used to be handsome before he got all of his scars. Compared to him you can only be described as pretty. Remind me again: who's the one who dressed up as a woman for some missions?"

„Ah, you wound me, Elodie", Gaspard said wryly, „Besides I only had to crossdress because you and Manon were too ugly to attract our target"

„Sure, keep telling yourself that", Elodie yawned, „Anyway, I'm going back to sleep. Good night"

„Good night"

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