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The most anyone knew of theCASTE's interior came from the rumors cataloged Eccentrics told once they had been let out.

Each one was reminiscent of each other, more or less. Some spoke of a prison hidden deep within the mountain, far beneath the apparent one-story building that sat on its peak. Others described a scene much more brutal and horrifying; screams coming from down the halls as they slept, a tendency to overwork both permanent prisoners and the temporary ones only meant to be there for their cataloging. They spoke of overcrowded cells, and bathrooms left uncleaned for weeks, food no better than the scraps CASTE agents threw out after their own meals.

As Melanie walked through the halls deeper into the CASTE facilities hidden away within the mountains, she saw none of that. What she did see were controllers.

Nearly every corner had two to a wall, one standing directly across from one another. They made no recognition of Melanie as she passed, only a slight glance her way. Windows line each wall. Not the type to remind of an outside world but ones which could easily be mistaken for mirrors. Mirrors, with voices behind them Melanie could make out as she passed.

Every other window, the Collector would nod back at the Controller trailing behind Melanie. He would grab her arm, forcing her to look straight at whoever was hidden behind the glass. No one would say a word. Melanie simply stood silent as they glance her over, then moved on when the controller gave the nudge to do so.

With every stop, Melanie was finding it harder and harder to keep her promise.

The realization of the decision she had made had only kicked in on the ship ride there. While she had been aware of exactly where she was heading, mentally she was still in Thomas' apartment, the relief of having saved Thomas still sending adrenaline rushing through her. Only once they had landed did her stomach drop, cowering in fear of the building which dwarfed her.

There would be no escaping this one. Melanie couldn't run without risking them returning to Thomas. Any show of resistance would only push them to mark her as a red or orange, condemning her to a lifetime of imprisonment for "dangerous abilities".

For seven years Melanie had been careful not to let it show that the portal she had fallen through had given her powers. Now, that illusion of normality was melting away before her eyes.

The room Melanie was shoved into was dark and dingy, and the scent of mildew clinging to the air.

The Collector hit a switch beside the door, and a single light bulb lit overhead revealing a closet. Wall upon wall housed the same outfit of varying sizes: a short-sleeved button up, stiff pair of pants, socks, and shoes all the same shade of gray. The Collector whispered something to the Controller beside him, and he nodded stiffly as his superior pushed past him and out the door.

The Controller produced from his pocket a small disk, and for a moment Melanie's heart skipped, frightened for the pain which may come from a tag not yet attached to her head. He clicked, and rather than a jolt of pain, Melanie's cuffs dulled and their magnetic pull came apart, separating her wrists. Wringing out her wrists, she looked up at the Controller uncertainly.


Melanie blinked. "Pardon?"

He nodded towards one of the racks grouped beneath a letter M and then nodded towards the dress she wore. It was still damp, and stuck to my legs and arms, but at that moment it could have been the safest object she owned.

"Undress," he said again.

Melanie cheeks reddened as the man lifted his chin at me and stared, waiting expectantly for her to do as he asked. A scream rose in her throat, burning as she fought back the urge to snap at the man and argue that he could at least turn around. But Melanie bit my tongue. Breaking Thomas' rule had caused this much damage already.

Eccentricities (book one of the Eccentric Worlds Saga)Where stories live. Discover now