Chapter 29

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(It has been three days since the other four came) (Bens POV)

I woke up and saw didn't see Mal in bed I got up to check the bathroom and she was there sitting next to the toilet "Mal you have been throwing up for the past three days" "I know I know but I'm not going to the doctors" "And why not" "Because I already know what's wrong Ben" she said and started crying "Then what's wrong" I sat down next to her "I'm pregnant" she looked down "Well that's wonderful news Mal why aren't you happy" she looked at me "It's not that it's just we already have three Ben I don't think I can take care of four" "Mal you have me to help you" she looked down "But your barely there because your king and your parents are usually gone Evie has her Fashion business Jay has Tourney and R.O.A.R  and Carlos helps sometimes but he is trying to start a Vet business" She has crying "I'm sorry Mal and I wish that I wasn't king at such a young age sometimes" "Ben if you weren't king at a young age then you wouldn't have invited us over and we couldn't have any of this" I looked at her "I know but being king gets in the way of my family" I hugged her she pushed me off and got dressed i did too and we went to breakfast she didn't even talk to me once she finished she asked my parents if they could watch the babies while she goes out with Gil, Freddy, and Evie they said yes and she left "Did something happen between you and Mal because she didn't say one word to you" my dad asked "Well we didn't fight but she found something out and is scared" "Which is" My mom asked "She's pregnant" I whispered so they couldn't hear me "What" Dad said "She's pregnant" I said louder "What why is she scared if she is doing well with these three" "Well because she doesn't know how to take care of four I guess" "But she has us" "She said that I'm barely their because I'm king and you guys are barely there to help her and Evie has her Fashion line and Jay has tourney and ROAR and Carlos is trying to become a Vet" they nodded and then the door opened and I heard Mal laughing I looked in the living room to see Gil and Freddy tickling her and Evie recording them once they stopped I walked up to them "Oh hey Ben" Evie said and Mal looked up and smiled "Hey guys" Then Mal got up and hugged me I hugged back "Are you ok Mal" she nodded and went back and started tickling Freddy "I have to go to a council meeting tell Mal I'll be back later" I told Evie and Gil and they nodded and went back to Mal

Mal and Ben after their happy ever afterWhere stories live. Discover now