the truth.

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ch. 1

Ayanna stood in the middle of the street she grew up on with her best friend of a little over fifteen years as she struggled to gain the courage she always had but often lost when she was in front of him

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Ayanna stood in the middle of the street she grew up on with her best friend of a little over fifteen years as she struggled to gain the courage she always had but often lost when she was in front of him.

“I need to say this and the only way I could do that is if I just put everything out there and lay all of my cards on the table.”

Seth frowned “What cards?”

Ayanna laughed nervously. She knew he needed her to say something to make this less confusing for him. But in the end nothing she could say would make her want him any less. Despite how confusing her own feelings felt. "I don’t know. I don't even know what I'm saying.”

Seth grabbed her hand “We’re friends. So whatever’s going on with you we can work through it, together.”

Ayanna nodded “It definitely works better that way.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m not usually attracted to grudge band listening, crossfit weirdos. But here I am.”

“Attracted?” Seth raised a brow.

Ayanna gave a slight nod as if she couldn't believe she was finally saying it outloud “I know right.”

Seth didn't know what to say. His friend since he was a teenager was admitting she was attracted to him. Sure, she was hot, smart ass hell with a personality that made everyone in the room want to be around her..but she was one of his best friends for god sake. If he went there with her he was liable to fuck up their entire friendship. Not to mention there were other things happening now.

Ayanna laughed a little “This worked out so much better in my head

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Ayanna laughed a little “This worked out so much better in my head.”

So she decided to take a different approach “Remember last summer after my dad died and how lost I was? That summer I felt like my entire world came crashing down and I couldn’t do anything about it except drink myself into numbness. And you know what? it worked. It worked until you came back into town and you made me feel things. Things I didn’t want to feel because you’re you. I wanted to be angry at you, the world and the doctors who couldn't do anything to save my dad's life but you wouldn’t allow that. But in the end it turned out that you were what I needed in probably one of the darkest times of my life. And I-I don’t know what I’m saying but I know what I'm feeling isn't changing. I care about you, Seth. Every since I was a kid. I’ve always cared about you.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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