Hello Midtown High

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Ok so sorry but this isn't an original piece today. I read this and I thought it was really good and I've honestly been super busy today but I'll try get something original up in the next few days. I got this story from a book called Peter Parker Field Trip Fails written by Itz_Meowsi and below is the actual author. Ok please enjoy because I really did and I think you guys would like it. Warning you that some of the paragraphs are a bit long so I'm apologising in advance. If it's really an issue I'll change it tmr because it's late now and I'm on my phone so it's fiddly. Anyway read on.
- B 🌶

This was written by AmyR, not me!

Peter grabbed his things frantically shoving them into his bag. He had spent too much time dallying with the Avengers and now he was late. Usually he would walk to school with Natasha or Wanda, even stopping in a little cafe that was on the way. But now, he seriously considered asking Tony for a ride, especially since he was the craziest driver he knew, and didn't seem to believe in speed limits.

Stepping into his shoes he ran downstairs where he shouted a goodbye to Bucky and Sam who were doing the dishes. Pausing briefly, he asked Wanda who was sitting on the couch where Tony was. She told him that she thought that he had gone back to sleep, but wasn't sure. With a groan he told her goodbye, and ran into the elevator that was waiting on him. Squeezing out through the doors and out into the lobby, he made his way into the busy street, dodging people and obstacles, all in an attempt to get to school on time.


Peter ran into Ms. Lopez's class, missing the bell by about 10 seconds. Clearly 10 seconds too many as his teacher gave him a detention and threatened him with a suspension for another late day. Sighing heavily, Peter nodded and readied himself to face the day, already eager to go back home.


"Mr. Parker!" A voice interrupted Peter's thoughts, bringing him back to the stuffy classroom. He blinked blearily, sleep clouding his vision, when he felt Ned elbow him. Siddenly awake, he jumped to his feet, causing his chair to scrape back on the tile. His teacher, Mr. Russell, was glaring angrily at him. "Tell me Mr. Parker. What was it I just said?" He asked, staring at the boy. Peter looked at him blankly, his eyes drifting over to Ned. "No no. I'm asking you Mr. Parker. Not Mr. Leeds, because you see, he wasn't the one sleeping in my class," Mr. Russell said, looking at the boy over his glasses. He glanced at the board, which was conveniently blank. Everyone else's text book was open except his, and he had absolutely no idea what they were doing. "I-I don't know sir," he said hesitantly. "Hmm. I thought not. Sit down Mr. Parker and see me after class." Peter dropped heavily into his chair, glad that this was the last period of the day. Mr. Russell droned on about something or the other, Peter not caring a whole lot. It was AP Physics, he could do it in his sleep. He was only going to school to not appear as a complete drop out, and because Pepper insisted. His eyes focused on the clock on the wall, struggling to stay awake, the numbers blurring.

"Mr. Parker!" His teacher shouted again, causing the boy to jerk upright. "Yes sir!" He replied automatically, earning a few laughs from across the class. Mr. Russell raised an expectant eyebrow. Peter was no less confused. He offered up an awkward smile, not knowing what to do. "Homework Mr. Parker. Where is it?" His teacher said harshly. "Oh!" He exclaimed, grabbing his bag. He had done it, he was sure. After patrol he had sat down and done it, even though he wanted nothing more than to collapse in his bed. He rifled around, not seeing the red folder in which he usually kept all his work to hand in. Frowning, he searched his desk and even looked through his text book incase he had put it in there accidentally. He couldnt find it. He must have left it on his desk at home, or maybe in his lab. Maybe even Tony's lab. That was where he had gone looking for the folder anyways. He looked up sheepishly at his unimpressed teacher. "I can't find it sir," he said, picking at the hem of his shirt. "Hmm. That's what I thought." He said. "Go wait for me in the office." Peter nodded glumly, picking up his bag and trying to send a reassuring smile to Ned, who looked absolutely distraught. He made his way down and sat on the chairs there, waiting for the bell to ring, trying to figure out how he was going to tell Tony, and even worse, Pepper.

Peter Parker field tripsWhere stories live. Discover now